Ma tovább folytatjuk a biciklis témát, és megnézzük, hogy miért jó biciklivel közlekedni. A bicikli közlekedésnek azonban vannak szabályai is, ezekről is olvasni fogunk.
Ma tovább folytatjuk a biciklis témát, és megnézzük, hogy miért jó biciklivel közlekedni. A bicikli közlekedésnek azonban vannak szabályai is, ezekről is olvasni fogunk.
Néhány érdekességet is megtudhatsz a bicajozásról, például az, hogy hány kalóriát lehet ezzel elégetni egy óra alatt.
Jó tanulást!
Cycle Budapest!
Cycling is becoming more and more popular these days. This trend has many reasons: people are getting more health conscious, gasoline prices are skyrocketing, the world economic crisis is teaching us to be more economical with our transportation as well. Cycling is also the quickest means of transportation in the city. Due to these reasons, cycling has gained extreme popularity over the past few years. It is not an unusual thing to see groups of cyclists any time of the day and any day of the week riding their trendy city bikes in their trendy clothes. This fortunate trend blends healthy lifestyle with fashion.
Getting around the city on your bike has its rules that are better to be kept as they are closely related to the safety of the rider. The rider must – first of all – keep the regular traffic rules, but there are other practical tricks to riding which make this enjoyable activity safer. Riding your bike, you are silent and quick. You must understand that you are basically invisible to others while riding.
Here are some advice for safe riding. If you keep these „rules”, you are likely to ride safe and enjoy the positive aspects of riding. You will arrive at your destination quickly and full of endorphin with a smile on!
Cycling burns 600 calories an hour
On a bicycle you can travel 3 times faster than you can walk, for the same amout of energy.
On a bicycle you can travel up to 1037 kilometres on the energy equivalent of a single litre of petrol.
Twenty bicycles can be parked in the same space taken up by one car.
Cycling is great exercise: leisurely cycling (around 12 mph) burns calories at the same rate as very brisk walking (faster than 4 mph)
health conscious
egészség tudatos
to skyrocket
egekbe szökik (vminek az ára)
due to …
…-nak/nek köszönhetően
to gain popularity
népszerűségre szert tesz
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