2009.01.30. – Szülinapi party

A héten ma utoljára fogunk a képleírás témával foglalkozni, és megnézünk egy születésnapos képet.

5Perc Angol online magazin 5Perc Angol.hu Fórum
LetElthetŐ anyagok
2009. január 30. Hírlevélarchívum


A héten ma utoljára fogunk a
képleírás témával foglalkozni,
és megnézünk egy születésnapos
képet. Jövő héten a közlekedés
lesz a téma, amely lefedi majd a
nyelvvizsgák szóbeli témáinak
egy részét, illetve számos
hasznos párbeszéd is lesz benne.

Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét



This is a picture of a birthday party, because there is a cake with candles on the table. There are four people in the picture, two men and two women. The man on the right is wearing a silly hat. He is wearing a yellow shirt and blue trousers, he has curly black hair. The girl beside him is blowing up a balloon. She has long straight hair and is wearing a short dress. She has a red balloon between her legs. The next girl has black wavy hair and large blue earrings. I think it is her birthday, because she is going to blow out the candles. The man on the right is wearing a hat, a white T-shirt, and green trousers. He is also holding a present. They are all sitting on a red sofa. On the table, in front of them, there is a cake, a pair of sunglasses and a present.

Do you like parties?

Sometimes I like parties, especially if the music is good, as I like dancing. I like meeting with friends. I do not drink a lot, and when I drink it is usually red wine. I do not smoke, so sometimes parties can be too smoky for me.

What is your favourite birthday present?

Oh, that’s a difficult question. I think my favourite birthday present was when I was eight years old. My parents bought me a pony. I started to learn to ride at a riding school and became quite good. I was very happy when they gave him to me, I called him Alex. He was a beautiful black pony, always very calm and very easy to ride.