Illicit drugs and alcohol are addictive. They are both illegal for teens – illicit drugs being totally illegal and alcohol being illegal depending on age. Statistics show that the younger you are when you experiment with illicit drugs or alcohol the more likely you are to become an addict in later life. Addiction runs in families. You don’t choose addiction – addiction chooses you. It is a gamble when you do illicit drugs or alcohol. You gamble with your life, with your personality, with your future and with addiction.
It is not only illicit drugs and alcohol that are problems. There are other ways of getting high that don’t
technically fall into either category. Legal substances used in illegal ways. When misused, prescription
drugs can be just as addictive and just as destructive as illicit drugs. Inhalants are becoming a big problem. Inhalants are otherwise legal substances used in a manner that causes them to get you high.
Some substances used in this fashion include; aerosol cleaners, gasoline, cleaning fluids, butane, and
acetone. These things are not illegal to sell or buy, they are not controlled substances and they are relatively cheap when compared with drugs or alcohol.
illicit – tiltott
addictive –
függőséget okozó
illegal –
to experiment –
kísérletezni vmivel
to be likely to –
hajlamos, hogy csinálni
fog vmit
to become an addict
– függővé válni
gamble –
to get high –
to misuse – nem
megfelelően használ
prescription drug
– vényre kapható
destructive –
romboló, destruktív
inhalant –
Addiction to drugs have been present in Hungary for years, unfortunately street drugs are common in bars and discos, even among teenagers. Therefore, violence, rape, teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, drug- and alcohol addiction among children and teenagers are becoming common. According to the law the age limit to buy cigarettes and alcoholic beverages is 18 years in Hungary, but most bar owners violate this law every day.
In most western countries drugs are becoming a bigger and bigger social problem. Many young people see nothing wrong with SOFT DRUGS such as cannabis. Experts worry that if they experiment with drugs at all, PUSHERS soon move them on to HARD DRUGS. It is quite easy for the police to arrest pushers, but it is much more difficult to catch the powerful DRUG BARONS who control the trade. Some people believe that it would be better to DECRIMINALISE the POSSESSION of soft drugs and to concentrate police efforts on the highly organised gangs who control heroine and cocaine smuggling.
soft drugs –
könnyű drogok
hard drugs –
kemény drogok
pusher –
kábítószer kereskedő
drug baron – drog
to decriminalise
– legálissá tenni vmit
possession –
junkie –
kábítószeres (slang)
to snort cocaine
– kokaint szív
coke – kokain
to smoke pot –
füvet szívni
Magazinunk havonta jelenik meg 60 oldal terjedelemben, amelynek az első fele egy bulvár-életmód újságnak „álcázott” nyelvoktató magazin (ahol a tematikus cikkekhez – havi téma, recept, utazás, sport, egészség és fitness, tudomány és technológia, könyvajánló, sztárpletykák, divat, horoszkóp és rejtvény -tartozik feladat, hanganyag, videó, képes szótár, szószedet, stb.), a másik felében pedig kidolgozott írásbeli és szóbeli tételeket, feladatokat, felkészítő anyagokat találsz nyelvvizsgára és érettségire.
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