Rick Astley – Angels On My Side

Végül is nem kellett sokat várni Rick Astley második slágerére ... 29 év után ismét a slágerlisták élén! 

Sometimes I just don’t feel like waking up

wanna stay inside my dreams

sometimes I feel like I am breaking up

do you know just how that feels


Hope is for the hopeful

it’s a dream that never dies

safe is for the faithful

I see it in your eyes


And I got angels on my side

I got angels flying high

and everything will be alright

’cause I got angels on my side


I need the people that I really love

to only give me truth

don’t fake, I can’t take it

my heart is close to breaking

it reminds me of my youth


Hope is for the hopeful

it’s a dream that never fades

faith is for the faithful

And I will now be


‘Cause I got angels on my side

I got angels flying high

and everything will be alright

’cause I got angels on my side


Everything will be alright

everything will be alright,

everything will be alright,hopeful

everything will be alright.


Everything will be alright,

’cause I got angels on my side.

Oh, yeah.


Can you see them?

Can you see them?


I got angels on my side

angels flying high

and everything will be alright

’cause I got angels on my side.


I got angels, you got angels,

everybody got their angels on their side,

everything’s gonna be alright

You got angels, I got angels

everybody got their angels by their side,

it’s alright, it’s alright.

I got angels, you got angels,

everybody got an angel by their side,

we got angels on my side.

I got angels, you got angels,

everybody got their angels by their side,

oh, yeah.



reménykedő, reményteli





to fake something

megjátszani valamit

I can’t take it.

Nem bírom elviselni.

to remind somebody of something

emlékeztetni valakit valamire



to fade

elhalványul, eltűnik

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