Azon gondolkozol, hogy mit is lehetne másképpen csinálni az új évben? Ad néhány ötletet ez a régi dal. Feladatot is készítettünk hozzá.
working out,losing weight
maybe using tanning spray
becoming more attractive in general
reading more, watching less
learning all the rules for chess
becoming somewhat smarter in general
eating fish, not fingernails
volunteer to save the whales
becoming a better guy in general
saving more, spending less
yes I will wax my chest
dating more girls in general
But not this year. No, this year is different!
As different as a gazelle. Yes, a gazelle from a deer. (They’re actually not that different.)
After all these failed resolutions.
My future is clear, the future is near!
Just forget those resolutions you
know that you are never gonna do
and adopt a more realistical view
by committing to things that come easily to you
like eat at least one value meal a week
or put the correct shoes on the correct feet
just “Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!”
Just face the fact you’ve always thought
those resolutions don’t mean squat
Settle in to a comfortable spot
embrace all the things you know you are not.
Hit the snooze, roll over, then repeat
Make large purchases, then lose the receipts
just “Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!”
Can you find the English equivalent of the following Hungarian phrases in the song?
1. nézz szembe a ténnyel
2. világos a jövőm
3. ezek a be nem tartott fogadalmak
4. általában kicsit okosabbá válni
5. többet olvasni,kevesebbet nézni
6. tornázni, fogyni
7. megtanulni a sakk összes szabályát
8. veszítsd el a blokkokat
9. megmenteni a bálnákat
10.emeld fel a lécet
1. face the fact
2. my future is clear
3. these failed resolutions
4. becoming smarter in general
5. reading more watching less
6. working out losing weight
7. learning all the rules for chess
8. lose the receipts
9. to save the whales
10. raise the bar
to work out |
tornázni, edzeni |
to lose weight |
fogyni |
in general |
általában |
smart |
okos |
fingernail |
köröm (kézen) |
to volunteer |
önkéntesnek ajánlkozni |
whale |
bálna |
deer |
szarvas |
resolution |
fogadalom |
to adopt |
magáévá tesz |
to commit to sg |
elkötelezni magát valami mellett |
bar |
léc |
effortlessly |
erőfeszítés nélkül |
underneath |
alatta |
to embrace |
megragadni |
purchase |
vásárlás, vétel |
receipt |
blokk, nyugta |