Hogyan használjuk a BLAME (hibáztatni valakit) igét?


Akon egyik számának segítségével tanuljuk meg (magyar magyarázattal) a BLAME ige használatát! 


TO BLAME – hibáztat

to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad

Don’t blame me – it’s not my fault.– Ne engem hibáztass, nem az én hibám!

I blame his mother. She does everything for him. – Az anyját hibáztatom. Minden megcsinál helyette.

blame somebody/something for somethinghibáztatni valakit valamiért
Marie still blames herself for Patrick’s death. – Marie még mindig saját magát hibáztatja Patrick haláláért.

blame something on somebody/something– valamiért hibáztatni valakit
One of the computers is broken and she’s blaming it on me.– Elromlott az egyik számítógép, és engem hibáztat miatta.

somebody/something is to blame (for something) – valaki okolható/hibáztatható valami miatt used to say that someone or something is responsible for something bad
Police believe that more than one person may be to blame for the fire. – A rendőrség úgy véli, hogy több, mint egy ember okolható a tűz miatt.

partly/largely/entirely etc. to blame– részben/nagyban/teljes mértékben okolható/hibáztatható

I don’t blame you/you can hardly blame him etc.– Nem hibáztatlak/Aligha hibáztathatod őt
used to say that you think it was right or reasonable for someone to do what they did:

She’s left her husband. I don’t blame her, after the way he treated her. – Elhagyta a férjét. Nem hibáztatom azok után, ahogy bánt vele.

Don’t blame me! – Engem ne hibáztass!

used when you are advising someone not to do something but you think that they will do it in spite of your advice

Buy it then, but don’t blame me when it breaks down.– Vedd meg, de aztán ne engem okolj, ha tönkre megy.

somebody only has himself/herself to blame– valaki csak magát hibáztathatja

used to say that someone’s problems are their own fault:

If he fails his exams, he’ll only have himself to blame.Ha nem megy át a vizsgáin, akkor csak magát hibáztathatja majd.

BLAME vád, szemrehányás
responsibility for a mistake or for something bad

take/accept the blame (=say that something is your fault) valaki felvállalja a hibáját/ a vádat

get the blame (=be blamed) – valaki hibáztatva van valamiért

put/lay/pin/place the blame (for something) on somebody (=blame someone, especially for something that is not their fault)valakit okolni valamiért

shift the blame (onto somebody) (=blame someone else for something you did) – valaki mást okolni saját hibánk miatt


As life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about responsibility

I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me

So I want to take this time out to apologize for things I have done

And things that have not occurred yet

And the things they don’t want to take responsibility for


I’m sorry for the times I left you home

I was on the road and you were alone

I’m sorry for the times that I had to go

I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know

That you were sitting home just wishing we

Could go back to when it was just you and me

I’m sorry for the times I would neglect

I’m sorry for the times I disrespect


I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done

I’m sorry I’m not always there for my sons

I’m sorry for the fact that I’m not aware

That you can’t sleep at night when I am not there

Because I am in the streets like everyday

Sorry for the things that I did not say

Like how you are the best thing in my world

And how I’m so proud to call you my girl



I understand that there are some problems

And I am not too blind to know

All the pain you kept inside you

Even though you might not show

If I can’t apologize for being wrong

Then it’s just a shame on me

I’ll be the reason for your pain and you can put the blame on me



You can put the blame on me [4x]

Said you can put the blame on me [3x]

You can put the blame on me


Sorry for the things that he put you through

And all the times you didn’t know what to do

Sorry that you had to go and sell those packs

Just trying to stay busy till you heard from Dad

And you would rather be home with all your kids

As one big family with love and bliss

And even though Pops treated us like kings


He got a second wife and you didn’t agree

He got up and left you there all alone

I’m sorry that you had to do it on your own

I’m sorry that I went and added to your grief

I’m sorry that your son was once a thief

I’m sorry that I grew up way too fast

I wish I would’ve listened and not be so bad

I’m sorry your life turned out this way

I’m sorry that the FEDS came and took me away




I’m sorry that it took so long to see

They were dead wrong trying to put it on me

I’m sorry that it took so long to speak

But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani

I’m sorry for the hand that she was dealt

For the embarrassment that she felt

Just a little young girl trying to have fun

Her daddy should never let her out that young

I’m sorry for Club Zen getting shut down

I hope they manage better next time around

How was I to know she was underage

In a 21 and older club they say

Why doesn’t anybody wanna take blame

Verizon backed out disgracing my name

I’m just a singer trying to entertain

Because I love my fans I’ll take that blame

Even though the blame’s on you [3x]

I’ll take that blame from you


And you can put that blame on me [2x]

You can put that blame on me

And you can put that blame on me

Can you finish the ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘Sorry’ lines from the lyrics?

1. I’m sorry for the times I left you ……

2. I’m sorry for the times that I had to …..

3. I’m sorry for the fact that I did not ……. that you were …….. home

4. I’m sorry for the times I would ……..

5. I’m sorry for the times I ………..

6. I’m sorry for the wrong things that ………

7. I’m sorry I’m not always there for my …..

8. I’m sorry for the fact that I’m not ………. that you can’t sleep at night when I am not …….

9. Sorry for the things that I did not ……

10. Sorry for the things that he ……………

11. Sorry that you had to go and sell those ………

12. I’m sorry that you had to do it ……….

13. I’m sorry that I went and added to your …….

14. I’m sorry that your son was once a …….

15. I’m sorry that I grew up ……….

16. I’m sorry your life turned out ……..

17. I’m sorry that the FEDS came and ……….

18. I’m sorry that it took …………. they were dead wrong trying to ……….

19. I’m sorry that it took …………

20. I’m sorry for the hand that she was ……..

21. I’m sorry for Club Zen getting ……….


1. home

2. go

3. know, sitting

4. neglect

5. disrespect

6. I’ve done

7. sons

8. aware, there

9. say

10. put you through

11. packs

12. on your own

13. grief

14. thief

15. way too fast

16. this way

17. took me away

18. so long to see, put it on me

19. so long to speak

20. dealt

21. shut down




to affect


to occur

előfordulni, megtörténni

to wish


to neglect


to disrespect

nem tartani tiszteletben

to be aware

tudatában lenni









to put the blame on sy

hibáztatni valakit

to put sy through sg

kitenni valakit valaminek



even though


to treat

bánni valakivel


fájdalom, gyász



fed = federal agent

szövetségi ügynök

it took so long

olyan sokáig tartott

to be dead wrong

egyáltalán nincs igaza

to deal, dealt, dealt



szégyenkezés, zavar



to back out


to disgrace

szégyent hozni rá

to entertain


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