Advent Calendar Day 5: I’m Not Dreaming of a White Christmas


Tegnap azt mondtuk, hogy mindnyájan fehér karácsonyról álmodunk. És képzeljétek, van, aki nem. : -) Ő vajon miről álmodik? Gilbert O'Sullivan elénekli nektek.

I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas

I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas

All I’m dreaming of the whole day long

Is a peaceful world

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year

To those of you who live in fear

And let us hope that very soon

The peace you seek will then resume

I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas

I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas

All I’m dreaming of the whole day long

Is a peaceful peaceful world

(I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas

I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas

All I’m dreaming of the whole day long

Is a peaceful world)

Merry Christmas,…

Can you fill in the gaps in the sentences with a word or expression from the lyrics of the song?

1. If you …… you long for peace.

2. Whatever you …… hope that you will find it.

3. Although I was working …… I couldn’t finish the project in time.

4. Let’s hope we are going to have a …… Christmas.

5. …… fame and wealth I just want to be happy.


1. live in fear

2. seek

3. the whole day long

4. white/peaceful

5. I’m not dreaming of


the whole day long

egész álló nap



to live in fear

félelemben élni

to hope




to seek


to resume

újra elkezdődni

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