The Best British Slang and Idioms with F and G and H and I


Érdekes brit szleng és idiómák F, G, H és I betűvel. Magyar fordítással és példamondatokkal.

1. Faff = múlatni az időt, semmi hasznosat nem csinálni, tengeni-lengeni

To “faff” is to waste time doing very little.

“Faff” comes from the 17th century word “faffle,” which means to flap about in the wind.

“We were just faffing about.” – Csak úgy múlattuk az időt.

2. Fag = cigi

A cigarette.

A “fag end” is also the ratty bits towards the ends of a reel of fabric, which are the worst and the cheapest bits of the reel. Historically, “fags” were the cheaper cigarettes made of lower grade tobacco, however, the slang has spread to encompass all cigarettes.

“Could I pinch a fag, please?” – Meg tudsz dobni egy cigivel?

3. Fit = szexi, klassz, vonzó, jóképű

Used to describe someone physically attractive, usually referring to their physique.

“He’s fit.” = Szexi a srác.

4. Flog = elsózni, elkótyavetélni, gyorsan megszabadulni valamitől, gyorsan túladni valamin

To “flog” means to sell something — usually quickly and cheaply.

“Flogging” also refers to whipping a racehorse in order to make it move faster, so there is some speculation into whether you flog goods in order to make them shift faster, too. However, there is no proof for this theory.

“I’m trying to flog my old sofa. Do you know anyone that might be interested?” – Próbálok túladni az öreg kanapémon. Tudsz valakit, akit esetleg érdekelné?

5. Full Monty = egész, teljes, minden

After “The Full Monty” film was released in 1997, there was some international confusion over the phrase in which it was taken as a euphemism for stripping. However, “the full Monty” actually refers to pursuing something to the absolute limits.

“The full Monty” historically refers to an old tailor called Sir Montague Burton. Going “the fully Monty” meant purchasing a full three-piece suit, a shirt, and all of the trimmings.

“Our Christmas dinner had everything from sprouts to Yorkshire puddings. If you’re going to have a roast, have the full Monty!” – A karácsonyi vacsoránkban volt minden, kelbimbótól kezdeve a Yorkshire puddingig. Ha még sültet is eszel, akkor teljesen kimaxolod a dolgot.

6. Full of beans = energikus, eleven

Someone that’s energetic, lively, or enthusiastic might be described as “full of beans.”

This phrase could be a reference to coffee beans, although these claims have been disputed.

“Goodness, you’re full of beans this morning!” – Te jó ég! Mennyi energiád van ma reggel!

7. Gaff = otthon

“Gaff” is an informal word for “home.”

Although the origins of this phrase are largely unknown, a gaff in the 18th-century was a music hall or theatre, and so it’s believed to derive from this.

“What are you up to this weekend? We’ve got a party at our gaff, if you fancy it.” – Mit fogsz csinálni a hétvégén? Rendezünk otthon egy built, gyere el, ha gondolod.

8. Gallivanting = kószálni, csavarogni

To “gallivant” means to roam, or to set off on an expedition, with the sole intention of having some light-hearted fun.

Historically, “gallant” described someone brave or valiant, so “gallivanting” is a carefree and confident act.

”Off they go again, gallivanting.” – Nekiindultak megint csavarogni egy jót.

9. Geezer = jól öltözött, bájgúnár

A “geezer” is a man that could be described as “suave” or “dapper,” and is often suited and booted. Men from east London are also commonly referred to as “geezers.”

Geezer is thought to stem from the 15th century “guiser,” which meant well-dressed.

“That guy’s got such swagger — he’s a proper geezer.” – Az a fickó micsoda egy jampec! Igazi bájgúnár!

10. Give me a tinkle on the blower = Hívj fel!

“Give me a call” or “ring me.” The phrase is sometimes shortened to “give me a tinkle.”

“Tinkle” refers to a phone’s ring, while “blower” is slang or telephone and refers to the device that predated phones on naval ships. Sailors would blow down a pipe to their recipient, where a whistle at the end of the pipe would sound to spark attention.

“Give me a tinkle on the blower.” – Csörögj rám telefonon!

11. Gobsmacked = ledöbbent, megdöbbent

Astounded; bewildered; shocked.

“Gob” is slang for mouth, so if you’re gobsmacked, you’re shocked to the point of clasping your jaw in disbelief.

“I was gobsmacked!” = Teljesen ledöbbentem!

12. Gutted = teljesen kiakadt, elkeseredett

Not to be confused with literally being disembowelled, someone that says they’re “gutted” is devastated or extremely upset.

“I was absolutely gutted.” – Abszolút ki voltam akadva.

13. Half past – fél (órákra vonatkozóan)

While Americans are more likely to say “seven thirty” or “five fifty,” Brits will more often than not refer to times in “minutes past” the hour. E.g, “half past seven,” and “ten to six.”

It’s unclear why Brits appear to favour analogue time-telling while Americans go for the digital format.

”It’s twenty past eleven.” – Tizenegy óra húsz perc van.

14. Hank Marvin = kopog a szeme az éhségtől, majd éhen hal

“Hank Marvin” is Cockney rhyming slang for “starving.”

“I’m Hank Marvin” means “I’m hungry” or “I’m ravenous.”

Hank Marvin is a British musician from the 1960s and 1970s, and is a pretty obscure reference nowadays. Marvin played guitar in Cliff Richard’s backing band in the 1960s.

“When are we going to eat? I’m Hank Marvin.” – Mikor fogunk enni? Majd éhen halok.

15. Innit = Ugye?

“Innit” is an abbreviation of “isn’t it” most commonly used amongst teenagers and young people.

This phrase is used to confirm or agree with something that another person has just said.

“It’s really cold today.” –  Igazán hideg van ma.

“Innit.” – Ugye?


to waste time

elvesztegetni az időt







to encompass


to whip



töprengés, elmélkedés


zavar, zavarodottság


eufémizmus, szépítő kifejezés


levetkőzés, sztriptíz

to pursue


to the absolute limits

a végső határokig



to purchase

vásárolni, venni

three-piece suit

három részből álló öltöny



to be disputed


to derive from

eredni valamiből

to roam


sole intention

puszta szándék


lovagias, gáláns


hősies, bátor




behízelgő, édes


jól öltözött

to stem from

eredni valahonnan









to spark attention

felkelteni a figyelmet

to clasp sy’s jaw

leesik az álla


hitetlenkedés, hitetlenség

to be disembowelled

ki van belezve


lehasznált, elkeseredett

to favour

előnyben részesíteni


nagyon éhes





to confirm


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