ANGOL TÉVÉMŰSOROKKAL: Carry on – Kézipoggyász (Netflix)

Magyarországon három hete vezeti a toplistát a Netflix új filmje, a Carry on, azaz a Kézipoggyász. Te láttad már?

You thought losing your luggage was the worst thing that could happen at the airport? Taron Egerton begs to differ. The Rocketman and Kingsman star has taken on his next assignment: Carry-On. In the new thriller, Egerton plays Ethan Kopek, a TSA agent who’s blackmailed by a mysterious traveler (Jason Bateman), inducing perhaps the most airport anxiety ever.

What is Carry-On about?

Written by T.J. Fixman (the Ratchet & Clank video games), Carry-On follows young TSA agent Ethan (Egerton) as he fights to outsmart a mysterious traveler who blackmails him into letting a dangerous package slip onto a Christmas Eve flight.

Egerton, best known for his turn as dashing Secret Service recruit Gary “Eggsy” Unwin in the Kingsman franchise and his remarkable transformation into rock legend Elton John in Rocketman, was eager to drop the flash and slip into a more relatable character.

The high-stakes circumstances come courtesy of Jason Bateman’s sinister villain, whom Ethan initially meets as a voice through headphones that threatens his pregnant girlfriend (Sofia Carson) if he doesn’t comply with instructions.


to begkönyörögni
to differeltérni
to take on an assignmentelvállalni egy feladatot
to blackmailzsarolni
TSA agent (Transportation Security Administration)közlekedésbiztonsági felügyelő
to outsmarttúljárni az eszén valakinek
to slip itt: becsúsztatni
dashingstílusos, lendületes
remarkablefigyelemre méltó
to be eager to lelkesedni valamiért
relatable szimpatikus, szerethető
high-stakes kockázatos, rizikós
circumstances körülmények
sinister baljós
villain gazember
to threaten fenyegetni
to comply with eleget tenni valaminek