Beszéljünk a szabadidőnkről…5 szóban – mini feladattal


Sorozatokban, magazinokban vagy akár dalokban is használnak olyan szavakat manapság, amikkel tankönyvekben, tanfolyamokon egyáltalán nem találkozhatunk, hogy képben legyünk ezekkel is, hoztunk nektek egy mini leckét, ezúttal szabadidő témakörben. 

I see that you’re hangry. Let’s go to that buzzy restaurant around the corner and have a huge bowl of shrimp zoodles! Ok, but instead of watching that bingeable series you mentioned yesterday, let’s go glamping for the weekend!

Ilyenkor érezzük úgy, hogy ez bármi lehet, mert alig értünk belőle valamit. Nézzük meg mit is jelentenek ezek a szavak valójában!


Hangry: becoming so hungry that you become angry.
Used as far back as the 1950s, but didn’t become popular until the 21st century.
Now used in mainstream advertising as well as everyday speech.

Bingeable: Used to describe a TV series that is likely to be binge-watched
that is, all episodes watched over a day or two.
First appeared in 2013, with the growing popularity of TV streaming services.

Zoodles: strips of zucchini shaped like noodles.
Used from the 1990s but increasingly popular in the 2010s
as a healthy-eating alternative.

Buzzy: Something that generates a lot of enthusiasm or excitement.
First used to convey the pleasant feeling of intoxication in 1935,
it morphed into this new meaning in the 2000s.

Glamping: A mixture of the words glamourous and camping.
It’s type of camping that is more comfy and lavish than traditional camping.
Glamping is particularly popular with 21st century tourist.
But the concept of luxurious tent-living goes way back
as early as the 16th century.

source: To Spice Up Your Vocabulary in 2020, Global English Editing

Próbáld kiegészíteni az 5 mondatot az 5 új kifejezéssel.

  1. We had tomato sauce with __________tonight… it was tasty!
  2. There’s always a ____________atmosphere in that new Mexican restaurant at the corner.
  3. She’s irritated and needs to stop for lunch soon… She’s getting___________.
  4. We’re off ___________to this amazing forest in the nearby mountains.
  5. Have you seen the New Pope Season 1? It’s so__________.

key/megoldások: 1. zoodles; 2. buzzy; 3. hangry; 4. glamping; 5. bingeable



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egyben megnézett sorozat

to appear






to convey

kifejezni valamit



to morph into






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