Csabai Sausage Festival 2nd best Autumn Food Festival in Europe!
Hungary has been famous for its many traditional festivals, but the Csabai Sausage Festival occupies a special place among them for sure. Organised first in 1997, this festival became one of the biggest ones in Hungary. It welcomes tens of thousands of visitors not only from Hungary but also from all around the world. They come to taste the delicacies, but some foreigners even try to win the awards and make their own sausage specialities during the contest.
According to bigseventravel.com, fall “might spell the end of long sunny days but it also signals the start of the harvest, the most delicious time of year. Mountains of truffles, wine, nuts, chocolate and vegetables, combined with baggier and thicker clothing, makes it the perfect time of year to tuck into the tastiest things you can find.” Therefore, they recommend everybody to “stop mourning the end of summer and start planning your foodie getaway.”
To help that, the global travel site revealed The 25 Best Autumn Food Festivals In Europe. With many countries in Europe now open and eager for visitors, these food festivals will inspire future trips and hopefully boost these local economies. Among them, the Csabai Sausage Festival won the silver medal.
According to the travel site, they have been checking out suggestions from their audience as well as contributions from their editorial team. They also followed certain criteria for the ranking, from must-try dishes, original and postponed festival dates and attendance numbers. They have narrowed it down to really find the best Europe has to offer.
Finally, these have become the top 10 best autumn festivals in Europe in 2021:
1.Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival, Galway (Ireland)
2.Csabai Sausage Festival, Békéscsaba (Hungary)
3.Eurochocolate, Perugia (Italy)
4.The Great British Food Festival, Yorkshire (United Kingdom)
5.The International White Truffle Festival, Alba (Italy)
6.Oktoberfest, Munich (Germany)
7.Fiesta del Marisco, O Grove (Spain)
8.Kookeet, Bruges (Belgium)
9.Montmartre Grape Harvest Festival, Paris (France)
10.Helsinki Herring Festival, Helsinki (Finland)
source: Daily News Hungary
Most pedig elolvashatjátok a csabai kolbász ’titkos’ receptjét. A feladatotok az, hogy egészítsétek ki a hiányzó részeket a megfelelő opcióval.
source: The Csaba sausage, bekescsaba.hu
to occupy | elfoglalni |
delicacies | csemegék |
awards | díjak |
contest | verseny |
fall | ősz |
to spell | valami rossz bekövetkezését jelezni |
harvest | aratás |
truffles | szarvasgombák |
baggier and thicker | buggyosabb/bővebb és vastagabb (ruhák) |
to tuck into | lelkesen elkezdeni valamit enni/nekigyürkőzni |
Therefore | ennek következtében |
to recommend | ajánlani |
to mourn | megsiratni/gyászolni |
foodie getaway | ínyenceknek szóló kiruccanás |
to reveal | megmutatni/felfedni |
eager | mohó/lelkes |
to inspire | inspirálni/lelkesíteni |
to boost | fellendíteni |
to check out | ellenőrizni |
audience | közönség |
contributions | cikkek |
criteria (plural) /criterion (singular) | kritériumok/kritérium |
ranking | sorrend |
to postpone | elhalasztani |
attendance | látogatottsági |
to narrow it down to | (listát) leszűkíteni |
loin | bélszín |
flank | lapocka |
rump | felsál |
to grind-ground-ground | darálni |
coarse | durva (nem finomított) |
finely chopped | (késsel) felaprított |
caraway seeds | köménymag |
to slaughter | levágni |
to blow-torch | hegesztőpisztoly |
to debone | kicsontozni |
meat grinder | húsdaráló |
coarse screen | húsdaráló tárcsa/rostély |
to comprise | tartalmazni/magába foglalni |
to knead | gyúrni |
adhesive capacity | tapadó képesség |
firmer | szilárdabb |
to spread | szétteríteni |
hog casing | disznó bél |
nozzle | töltőfej |
feed tube | töltőcső |
smoking rod | füstölő rúd (fa rúd, amire a füstölés során ráteszik a kolbászt) |
sausage stands /racks | kolbászállványok |
flue | füstcső |
smouldering beech sawdust | láng nélkül füstösen égő bükkfa fűrészpor |
to cure | érlelni |