Words Often Confused – Words with ‘L’, ‘M’ and P



Gyakran összekeverhető szavak - ezúttal L, M, P betűvel. 

1. loath or loathe?

loath /ləʊθ/ = reluctant, unwilling – vonakodó

loathe /ləʊð/ = to hate – utálni

2. loose or lose?

loose /luːs/ = to unfasten; to set free – kilazítani, szabadon engedni

lose /luːz/ = to be deprived of; to be unable to find – elveszíteni

3. metre or meter?

metre /ˈmiːtə(r)/ = a unit of measurement; rhythm in verse – méter (mértékegység), ütem, vers ritmusa

meter /ˈmiːtə(r)/ = a measuring device – mérőóra, méter (mértékegység) amerikai angolban,

4. militate or mitigate?

militate /ˈmilɪteɪt/ = to be a powerful factor against – ellene dolgozik valaminek

mitigate /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ = to make less severe – csillapít, enyhít, mérsékel

5. palate or palette?

palate /ˈpælət/ = the roof of the mouth – szájpadlás

palette /ˈpælət/ = a board for mixing colours – paletta

6. pedal or peddle?

pedal /ˈpedəl/= a foot-operated lever – pedál

peddle /ˈpedl̩/ = to sell goods by going from house to house – házalni, házról házra járva árulni valamit

7. pole or poll?

pole  /pəʊl/= a long, thin piece of wood – rúd, karó

poll /pəʊl/ = voting in an election – szavazni

8. pour or pore?

pour /pɔː(r)/= to flow or cause to flow – ömleni, önteni

pore /pɔː(r)/ = a tiny opening; to study something closely – lyukacska, pórus, elgondolkodni, tűnődni valamin

9. practice or practise?

practice /ˈpræktɪs/= the use of an idea or method; the work or business of a doctor, dentist, etc. – gyakorlat, praxis

practise /ˈpræktɪs/= to do something repeatedly to gain skill; to do something regularly – gyakorolni

10. prescribe or proscribe?

prescribe /prɪˈskraɪb/ = to authorize use of medicine; to order authoritatively – felírni (gyógyszert), előírni

proscribe /prəʊˈskraɪb/= to officially forbid something – megtiltani, törvényen kívül helyezni

11. principal or principle?

principal /ˈprɪnsɪpəl/ = most important; the head of a school – legfontosabb, igazgató

principle /ˈprɪnsɪpl/= a fundamental rule or belief – elv, alapelv

We give you the definition. Which word is it?

1. most important; the head of a school

2. to sell goods

3. to hate

4. a metric unit; rhythm in verse

5. to make less severe

6. to unfasten; to set free

7. the roof of the mouth

8. a long, slender piece of wood

9. the use of an idea or method; the work or business of a doctor, dentist, etc.

10. to flow or cause to flow

11. to officially forbid something


1. principal

2. peddle

3. loathe

4. metre

5. mitigate

6. loose

7. palate

8. pole

9. practice

10. pour

11. proscribe

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