Ebben a leckében szinonimákkal fogunk foglalkozni, hogy meg tudd különböztetni az egymáshoz nagyon hasonló jelentésű szavakat!
lonely: magányos
1) unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk to
2) a lonely experience or situation makes you unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk to
alone: egyedül
1) if you are alone in a place, there is no one with you
2) without any friends or people you know
single: egyedülálló/egy darab sem, senki sem
1) not married, or not involved in a romantic relationship with anyone
2) no people or things at all
lonesome: elhagyatott, társtalan
1) very unhappy because you are alone or have no friends
2) a lonesome place is a long way from where people live and very few people go there
solitary: egyedüli, magányos (mert szeret egyedül lenni)
1) used to emphasize that there is only one of something
2) doing something without anyone else with you
3) spending a lot of time alone, usually because you like being alone
removed: eltávolított
1) being taken away
detached: közönyös, szenvtelen, különálló
1) not reacting to or becoming involved in something in an emotional way
1. Anette never leaves her five-year-old son ………. at home.
2. Mother tries to hide it, but we know that she is a ………. woman.
3. We have no neighbours because our house stands ……… on a hill.
4. After his wife’s death, his evenings have been long and ……….. .
5. Marion doesn’t see anyone. She leads a ………. life.
6. For a long time now we have been looking for a ………. house to live in.
7. He didn’t say a ………. word to defend himself.
8. Do you know if she is married or ……..?
9. You can’t lift this heavy suitcase …….. .
10. Mr Redding didn’t like to be ……….. at meals.
answers: alone, lonely, alone, solitary, lonesome, detached, single, single, alone, alone