Parts of a driving licence

Tanuljuk meg a jogosítvány részeinek elnevezését angol nyelven!

Parts of a driving licence
Jogosítvány részei

Surname of the driverA sofőr vezetékneve
Fields 1, 2 and 3 of your photocard licence record your surname, first names, date and place of birth.

Name of the driverA sofőr keresztneve
Fields 1, 2 and 3 of your photocard licence record your surname, first names, date and place of birth.

Date and place of birth of the driverA sofőr születési helye és ideje
Fields 1, 2 and 3 of your photocard licence record your surname, first names, date and place of birth.

Date of licence issue, photo expiry, issuing authorityA jogosítvány kiadási ideje, a fotó lejárati dátuma, kiadó hatóság
The date shown in 4a is the date the photocard was issued. 4b shows the date the photocard must be renewed. The authority that issued the licence is shown in 4c (in Great Britain that is the DVLA).

Driver numberSofőr azonosító száma
A–  First five characters of surname. If the surname is less than five characters the remaining spaces will be made up using the figure 9. (e.g. MAN99)
B–  The first and last numbers are the year of birth. The second and third numbers are the month of birth. If you’re a woman, ‘5’ is added to the second number and the total used as the second digit e.g. if you’re born in October the second and third numbers would be 60. The fourth and fifth digits show the day of your birth.
C– The first twoinitials of your forenames. If you have only one initial then the second will be a ‘9’.
D– Computer check digits.
E– Licence issue number.

Holder’s signatureA jogosítvány tulajdonosának aláírása
This is digitally reproduced and burned into the photocard from the signature you provided on the application form.

Holder’s address – A jogosítvány tulajdonosának lakcíme
This shows the driver’s permanent address in Great Britain.

Holder’s photograph  – A jogosítvány tulajdonosának fényképe
The new photocard licence has a black and white photo. This is because the laser technology used to burn the image onto the card producing a black and white photo is more secure. A colour photo will still need to be provided with your application to be stored on your driver record.

Entitlement categoriesJogosítvány kategóriák
The letters in capitals show the categories of entitlement covered by the European Community Directive. National categories are shown in smaller letters.

photocard licence – kártya jogosítvány
to be issued – kiadva lenni
expiry – lejárat(i) dátum
issuing authority – kiadó hatóság
authority – hatóság
remaining – megmaradó
space – üres hely
figure – számjegy
digit – (arab) számjegy
initial – kezdőbetű
to be reproduced – újra készít
signature –aláírás
to provide – biztosít, ad, lehetővé tesz
permanent address – állandó lakcím
application – jelentkezés