Choose the right antonym!


Keresd velünk az aláhúzott szavak antonímáit, azaz ellentétes jelentésű párjait (pl. hot-cold)! 

Choose the right antonym of the underlined word!

1) I hate it when he doesn’t come on time.
a) appreciate
b) love
c) admire

2) Don’t drink it yet. It’s too hot.
a) warm
b) mild
c) cold

3) They got married on a bright summer day.
a) dark
b) glowing
c) shiny

4) Models shouldn’t be so skinny.
a) plump
b) thin
c) thick

5) You really should be more careful when you’re driving.
a) responsible
b) focused
c) reckless

6) Why is she always so bored?
a) disinterested
b) enthusiastic
c) exciting

7) Do you think he is your friend?
a) enemy
b) neighbour
c) buddy

8) That’s a huge house!
a) enormous
b) tiny
c) grand

9) This is just a temporary solution.
a) permanent
b) instant
c) immediate

10) They were always very poor.
a) wealthy
b) fragile
c) shabby

Answers:  1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b, 7) a, 8) b, 9) a, 10) a

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