Burns Night – hagyományok, szókincs, videó

Január 25-én ünneplik Robert Burns skót költő születésnapját a skótok és Észak-Írország lakói is a Burns vacsorával. A hagyomány eredetéről, az est menetéről és a kilt viseléséről tudhattok meg érdekességeket.


Burns Night marks the anniversary of the poet Robert Burns’ birth, one of our most famous and celebrated Scots.


Given that Robert Burns was born on 25th January 1759, Burns Night takes place on 25th January each year. Many mark the occasion by going to a Burns supper.


Held throughout the world on Burns Night (or on an evening close to it) a traditional Burns supper is an evening event that celebrates Robert Burns’ life and work.


The first Burns supper was held in July 1801 when nine of Burns’ close friends got together to mark the fifth anniversary of their friend’s death. Taking place at Burns Cottage in Alloway, the night included a tasty meal (haggis, of course!), performances of Burns’ work and a speech in honour of the great Bard (now known as the Immortal Memory). The night was such a resounding success they decided to hold it again (this time in honour of Rabbie’s birthday), beginning the tradition we still enjoy to this day.


Everyone enjoys a hearty Burns Night meal (which includes haggis, neeps and tatties, rounded off with drams of whisky), some of Burns’ poems and songs are recited and tributes are made to the great Bard.

Each Burns supper is individual, but the running order normally goes something like this:

To start – everyone gathers, the host says a few words, everyone sits and the Selkirk Grace is said.

The meal – the starter is served, the haggis is piped in, the host performs the famous Burns Night haggis poem Address to a Haggis, everyone toasts the haggis and the main meal is served, followed by dessert.

After the meal – the first Burns recital is performed after Burns Night food, the Immortal Memory (the main tribute speech to Burns) is given, the second Burns recital is performed, then there’s a Toast to the Lassies, followed by a Reply to the Toast to the Lassies, before the final Burns recital is performed.

To end the night – the host gives a vote of thanks, everyone stands and sings Auld Lang Syne, crossing their arms and joining hands at the line ‘And there’s a hand, my trusty fere!’.

source (article): VisitScotland.com

interesting info:

The Immortal Memory:

This is a formal and personal tribute to Robert Burns from an invited speaker.
This tribute is normally lengthy, should be original and it requires much study and preparation beforehand.

A következő videóban pedig megmutatják nekünk, hogyan is kell felöltözni egy hagyományos Burns estére. A videót megnézhetitek ITT

source: How to Wear a Full Formal Kilt Outfit with All Accessories, TartanKiltsByScotweb, Youtube




to mark the anniversary megemlékezni az évfordulóról
to take place megtörténni
occasion alkalom
supper késői vacsora
throughout mindenütt
to celebrate ünnepelni
haggis hagymával, zabliszttel, árpával és faggyúval elkevert, finomra vagdalt birkaszívvel, -tüdővel és -májjal töltött birkagyomor
performances előadások
in honour of valaki tiszteletére
resounding success hangzatos siker
hearty bőséges
neeps and tatties paszternák és krumplipüré
to round off befejezni
a dram of whisky (Scottish) kis kortynyi whisky
to recite előadni/elszavalni
to make tributes tisztelegni valaki előtt
in running order az est forgatókönyvének megfelelő sorrendjében
to gather összegyűlni
to pipe in dudaszó kíséretében behozni valamit
toasts pohárköszöntők
Lassies lányok/hölgyek
a vote of thanks köszönetnyilvánítás
fere cimborák/barátok
tassel bojt
garter (harisnya/zokni)tartó
strap pánt
buckle csat
lining bélés
sporran bőrerszény

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