Words with multiple meanings – homonym exercise


Egy rövid feladatsor azonos alakú, de eltérő jelentésű szavakkal! 

Fill in the gaps with the following words. You will have to use each word twice.

a) close, b) bear, c) leaves, d) fly, e) trunk, f) dear

1) We were picking berries in the woods when saw the ………. .
2) You are such a ………. for helping me.
3) I hate it when my father ………. for a business trip.
4) In my dreams I can often ………. .
5) We carved our names in the ………. of a tree in the park.
6) We can get there in 5 minutes. It’s very ………. to my house.
7) I can’t ………. the thought of you leaving me.
8) The trees are so beautiful when their ………. turn golden and red in autumn.
9) You said everything was really cheap here, but for me everything’s quite ………. .
10) I couldn’t sleep all night because there was a ………. in my room.
11) Could you please ………. the windows?
12) I keep the old photos in that ………. in the bedroom.

Answers: 1) b, 2) f, 3) c, 4) d, 5) e, 6) a, 7) b, 8) c, 9) f, 10) d, 11) a, 12) e

Now match the words (a-f) to the right definitions.

1) a big furry mammal and to tolerate
2) a very nice person and expensive
3) to move in the air and an insect
4) to go away (present tense, singular, 3rd person) and parts of a plant or tree
5) the main part, base of a tree and a large wooden box used for storage
6) to shut and near

Answers: 1) b, 2) f, 3) d, 4) c, 5) e, 6) a

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