Whisky – szókincs, videó, mini feladatok

A whisky fogyasztásának módjairól olvashattok a következő cikkben, a videóban pedig a skót whiskyről beszélgetnek az Outlander szereplői, Sam Heughan és Graham McTavish.

How to Drink Scotch According to a Scottish Bartender

“There’s no restrictions on getting into Scotch whisky,” Jon Linstead, a bartender and bar manager in Edinburgh, Scotland said.

Here are the four ways to drink Scotch according to the Scottish bartender.


Water opens up new whisky flavors while decreasing the intensity of the alcohol. The Society of Chemical Industry studied this phenomenon in a paper published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. The scientists found that water chemically suppresses ethanol molecules (alcohol) as well as the flavors extracted from the wood barrels. Specifically, water decreases the “impact of undesirable, immature aromas when wood matured spirits are consumed.”

The stronger whiskies, as well as whiskies with more barrel influence, improve with water. Take cask strength, or barrel proof whiskies, for example. The alcohol percentage decreases as Scotch ages in barrel, so the liquid is typically put into the barrel at around 60 to 65 percent alcohol by volume. That’s why Linstead suggests adding a couple drops of water to your dram if you’re drinking cask-strength Scotch.

In other words, contrary to what you may have thought, adding water to your whisky isn’t for people who can’t handle their whisky; it’s for people who want to take stock of every flavor the whisky has to offer.

Quick side note: Water can make a whisky appear hazy depending on how the whisky was filtered. There’s nothing wrong with a hazy whisky and it won’t change the drinking experience. Just think of it like absinthe, where the haziness from water is actually desired and part of the drinking ritual.


Drinking Scotch neat means deciding on a drinking vessel. The options here are nearly limitless and range from Solo cup to rocks glass to whisky snifter. If you’re drinking for taste appreciation, though, stick to the latter, Linstead says.

Whisky snifters have a large bottom that tapers toward the top like a tulip. In theory, this traps the whisky aromas in the glass and concentrates them all in one place. But on a casual night out with friends where you’re focusing more on the environment than your beverage, drinking from a rocks glass is perfectly fine (which is good, because nine times out of 10, that’s what the bar is going to give you).


First things first: Always make sure good, clean ice is used if you want to use ice. Once that’s settled, you can put it in your drink.

Some whisky devotees will scoff at the idea of chilling your Scotch and diluting it with melting ice. But for people just getting into whisky, ice can be very beneficial.

Cooling a drink depresses dominant alcohol flavors and aromas, making the drink more accessible. It will also, however, mask some of the flavors that make Scotch taste like Scotch. Much of the opening up that happens from the addition of water becomes moot because the low temperature erases any “opened-up” flavors.

If you’re going to use ice regardless, use large blocks of ice that slowly melt and take up the majority of space in the rocks glass. That way you get the chill without turning your whisky into a five parts water, one part whisky mixed drink.


Scotch isn’t just for stodgy old men with cigar-stained teeth. It’s for people who love experimentation — and it always has been.

Take the Rob Roy, for example, which is essentially a Manhattan made with Scotch instead of rye whiskey. The cocktail was invented around 1900 in New York City’s Waldorf-Astoria. Cocktails and mixed drinks continue to be a big part of the Scotch whisky story, especially in places like Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.

There’s the Johnnie and Ginger, which is simply Johnnie Walker Red Label with fresh ginger ale, and the slightly more complicated Penicillin cocktail. Swap out Scotch for American whiskey in cocktails like the Boulevardier, Old Fashioned, or Mint Julep for a smoky rendition of a classic.

source (article, video): Vinepair.com; Men in Kilts, Whisky Business, STARZ, Youtube

 A cikk összegzését egészítsd ki a következő szavakkal. Vigyázz több szó van megadva, mint amennyit felhasználhatsz.

although – concentrates – decreases – decreasing – depresses – however – improve – increases – instead – recommend – rocks – snifters – trap – unless

Some people 1. ______ putting some drops of water into whisky because water opens up new whisky flavors while 2. ______ the intensity of the alcohol.

Even the stronger whiskies, as well as whiskies with more barrel influence, 3. ______ with water. The alcohol percentage 4. ______ as Scotch ages in barrel, so the liquid is typically put into the barrel at around 60 to 65 percent alcohol by volume.
5.______ water can make a whisky appear hazy, it won’t change the drinking experience.

You should drink whisky from whisky 6. ______ as they 7. ______ the whisky aromas in the glass and 8. ______ them all in one place.
9.______ you are an experienced whisky devotee, you can drink your whisky on the 10. ______. Ice can be very beneficial because cooling 11. ______ dominant alcohol flavors and aromas, making the drink more accessible.

Rob Roy cocktail is essentially a Manhattan made with Scotch 12. ______ of rye whiskey.

keys/megoldások: 1. recommend; 2. decreasing; 3. improve; 4. decreases; 5. Although; 6. snifters; 7. trap; 8. concentrates; 9. Unless; 10. rocks; 11. depresses; 12. instead; nem használt: increases, however,

A videó megnézése után válaszolj a következő kérdésekre.

  1. Miért szereti Sam a whiskyt?
  2. Hogyan szeretett bele Graham a whiskybe?
  3. Hogyan neveli sok skót apa a gyerekét?
  4. Mi a tanácsuk a whisky-vel ismerkedők számára?
  5. Mi a különbség az ital skót és az amerikai írásmódja között?
  6. Hány Scotch whisky régió van Skóciában?
  7. Milyen whisky lenne Sam?
  8. Milyen whisky lenne Graham?
  9. Mire hívja fel Sam végül Graham figyelmét, amikor felhörpintik a whisky-jüket?

1. mert amikor utazik a whisky az otthonára emlékezteti
2. Az édesapja gyerekkorában adott neki whisky-t.
3. whisky-vel dörzsölik be a gyerekek ínyét (nálunk a pálinkás kenyér)
4. próbálják ki az összes whisky-t, hogy megtalálhassák a kedvencüket, ne igyák jéggel a whisky-t és a whisky üvegből ivása sem elítélendő, de inkább az erre megfelelő alkalmak esetén tegyék. Egy jó barátjuk társaságában igyanak whisky-t.
5. A skótban nincs plusz e betű, whisky csak, az amerikai és ír írásmódban pedig whiskey.
6. 5 db
7. nagyon veszélyes Campbeltown, amit csak kis mennyiségben lehetne fogyasztani
8. sokáig érlelt, koros, karakteres ízvilágú, egy kicsit nedves ízű (nedves kutya/fa ‘ízvilágot’ is szoktak használni bizonyos whisky-k ízére)
9. tartsa el a kisujját a pohártól (do the pinky, pinky a kisujjra utal)


to get into elkezdeni kedvelni valamit
bartender pultos/csapos (bárban)
to suppress elnyomni
to extract kivonni valahonnan (aromát, ízt)
barrels hordók
immature éretlen
cask strength/
barrel proof
’hordó erősségű’, arra utal,
hogy nem adnak vizet a whisky-hez,
úgy került a palackba,
ahogy a hordóban volt
dram pohárka
(kis mennyiségű whisky)
to take stock of felbecsülni/
szemügyre venni/
hazy homályos
vessel edény/pohár
rocks glass edzett üvegből készült
pohár 270 ml-es
whisky snifter whisky-s pohár 280 ml-es
to taper vékonyodik
to depress elnyomni
to mask elfedni/
moot vitatott
stodgy durva/
rye rozs
to swap out kicserélni
rendition interpretáció
to remind sy of emlékeztetni valakit valamire
to bring a tear to eye könnyet csalni a szembe
to rub it on gum ínyt bedörzsölni valamivel
to frown upon elítélni/lenézni

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