15 ways to walk – Hogyan megyünk, járunk, botladozunk? :)


Ember legyen a talpán ...15 féleképpen! Szókincsfejlesztés szószedettel ... és egy videó, ami erről jutott eszembe:)

Kezdjük egy találós kérdéssel!

The riddle of the Sphinx

‘Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it is?’ Oedipus resolved the answer: Man – who crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two feet as an adult, and walks with a cane in old age.

riddle – találós kérdés
creature – teremtmény
weaker – gyengébb
to resolve – megoldani
to crawl – négykézláb mászni
adult – felnőtt
cane – (séta)bot

Most pedig csináljunk meg egy gyors feladatot, a szavak jelentését a videó után találod! 

Here are 15 ways to walk. Try to find the sentence each verb belongs to and you will understand the different ways of walking.

a) tiptoe
b) stumble
c) trample
d) march
e) shuffle
f) stroll
g) hobble
h) hike
j) limp
k) strut
l) skip
m) roam
n) stagger
o) toddle
p) trudge

1) Their baby son is only about 11 months old but he can already ………. around the flat very quickly.
2) We should ………. so that we don’t wake my parents up.
3) Let’s ………. through the meadows and pick some wild flowers.
4) He doesn’t always ……… like that but he has just had a knee injury.
5) I would love to ………. the lands as freely as wild horses.
6) Please don’t ………. your feet so much. It will ruin your shoes and it sounds horrible.
7) Last weekend I wanted to ………. in the nearby mountains but it got so cold by Friday that I decided to stay at home.
8) Please don’t ………. on my flowers when you are crossing the flower bed.
9) All my niece does is ………. around the house all day dressed up as a fairy princess.
10) I always know when you are really proud of yourself because you ………. around like a peacock.
11) I’m worried about how he got home after the stag party last night. He could barely ………. out of the last bar.
12) I passed an animal rights activists’ protest yesterday and the people dressed up as foxes and seals to ………. around in front of a fur fashion store.
13) Our neighbor Mr. Claus celebrated his 98th birthday last week and he can still ………. down to the park to play chess every day.
14) My shoelaces got untied while I was running and that’s what caused me to ………. right in front of the finish line.
15) Even though I had fever and felt terrible I had to ………. all the way to the pharmacy and back before I could finally crash into bed and stay there forever.

Answers: 1) o, 2) a, 3) f, 4) j, 5) m, 6) e, 7) h, 8) c, 9) l, 10) k, 11) n, 12) d, 13) g, 14) b, 15) p

tiptoe – lábujjhegyen járni
stumble – el/megbotlani, botladozni
trample – (át)gázolni
march – menetelni
shuffle – csoszogni
stroll – sétálni, kószálni
hobble – sántikálni, bicegni
hike– túrázni, kirándulni
limp – sántítani
strut – feszíteni, kevélyen járni (mint a gólya)
skip– ugrándozni
roam – (be)barangolni, vándorolni
stagger – támolyogni, tántorogni
toddle– – totyogni
trudge – vánszorogni



… and now let’s rock … and roll! 

I’m walkin’

Yes indeed, I’m talkin’

By you and me, I’m hopin’

That you’ll come back to me, yeah, yeah

I’m lonely

Yes I can be, I’m waitin’

For your company, I’m hopin’

That you’ll come back to me

What you gonna do when the well runs dry?

You gonna run away and hide

I’m gonna run right by your side

For you pretty baby I’ll even die

I’m walkin’

Yes indeed I’m talkin’

By you and me, I’m hopin’

That you’ll come back to me

I’m walkin’

Yes indeed, I’m talkin’

By you and me, I’m hopin’

That you’ll come back to me, yeah, yeah

I’m lonely

Yes I can be, I’m waitin’

For your company, I’m hopin’

That you’ll come back to me

What you gonna do when the well runs dry?

You’re gonna sit right down and cry

What you gonna do when I say bye-bye

All you gonna do is dry your eye

I’m walkin’

Yes indeed, I’m talkin’

By you and me, I’m hopin’

That you’ll come back to me

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