Még több napsütésre várva, íme egy 'napos' feladatsor az összetett szavak halmazából, szószedettel a végén!
Combine ‘sun’ with the right word from the list to fill in the gaps with a compound word!
a) shine
b) burn
c) set
d) flower
e) beam
f) glasses
g) rise
h) tan
i) bathe
j) screen
1) Her skin is so light and sensitive, she should always wear sun………. in the summer.
2) Sun………. seeds are a great source of vitamin E.
3) Of course she always has such a nice sun………. . She lives in Miami.
4) My cat always finds a sun………. to lie in.
5) People can get really depressed if there is no sun………. .
6) Isn’t watching a sun………. ever so romantic?
7) I hate going to work in winter because I have to get up before sun………. .
8) He spent the whole day outside in the sun and he came home with a terrible sun………. .
9) I love her new sun………. although I think they are huge for her head.
10) You mustn’t sun………. during the midday hours.
Answer: 1) j, 2) d, 3) h, 4) e, 5) a, 6) c, 7) g, 8) b, 9) f, 10) i
sunshine – napsütés
sunburn – leégés
sunset – naplemente
sunflower – napraforgó
sunbeam – napsugár
sunglasses – napszemüveg
sunrise – napfelkelte
suntan – napbarnított (bőr)
to sunbathe – napozni
sunscreen – napolaj