Romantikus lánykérés féltérdre ereszkedve… de miért is? – szókincs, mini feladat

A május már az esküvők időszakának kezdete, de ehhez a lánykérésen át vezet az út. A romantikusabbak féltérdre ereszkednek és úgy kérik meg szerelmük kezét. De mit is jelent és honnan ered ez a gesztus? Erről szól ez a kis cikk.

Why Do People Propose on One Knee?

If you’re expecting a marriage proposal pretty soon and your partner starts to sink to one knee, you should check to see if their shoe is untied. If it’s not, steel yourself for a certain yes-or-no question.

In addition to being a handy heads-up, kneeling to propose presumably has roots in some age-old historical practice—or a combination of several. As points out, people have been genuflecting (derived from Latin for “bending the knee”) to show respect or reverence for thousands of years. It may have originated in the Persian Empire, when proper salutations depended on societal rank. “In the case where one is a little inferior to the other, the kiss is given on the cheek,” Greek historian Herodotus observed in Persia around 430 BCE. “Where the difference of rank is great, the inferior prostrates himself upon the ground.”

This greeting system, known as proskynesis, was adopted by Alexander the Great when he took over the empire a century later, and some historians believe that genuflection was part of it. Many of Alexander’s existing Greek and Macedonian subjects disapproved of the new ritual, thinking such gestures should be reserved for gods, so not everybody acquiesced.

But the idea of genuflection as a sign of deference would prove popular in both religious and secular spheres in the future. Catholics, for example, drop to one knee when facing a tabernacle that contains the Eucharist (wafers blessed to be the body of Jesus). And European warriors knighted after battle often knelt in front of their commander, who dubbed them with a sword. In fact, citizens knighted by Queen Elizabeth II are still usually expected to kneel when dubbed.

According to Bustle, it’s possible that bending the knee first took on a romantic significance during knights’ heyday. In the 11th century, knights started to form close bonds with ladies of the court—a custom later christenedcourtly love.” Since the woman was often already married, the nature of the relationship wasn’t often sexual, but it was always a serious commitment. Knights pledged themselves to serve and honor their lovers with the same fervor applied to their lords and kings. Guinevere’s romance with Sir Lancelot is a good example of courtly love, as is the tale of Tristan and Isolde (though both of those cases did involve adultery). There’s no explicit link between that medieval trend and today’s proposal tradition, but a lot of the artwork depicting courtly love features the man kneeling before the woman—a scene that mirrors many modern-day engagement photos (sans all the armor).

In short, bending the knee has long conveyed devotion and humility, which you might want to embody when asking someone to spend eternity with you. But popping the question on two feet doesn’t violate any written-in-stone code of conduct for proposals.

source (article; video): MentalFloss; Why do men get down on one knee to propose?, 11Alive

A következő állításokról döntsd el, hogy a cikk alapján igazak (T), hamisak (F), vagy nem volt róluk szó a cikkben (NM).

  1. In the Persian Empire if someone from an upper rank was greeted
    by somebody from the lower rank, the latter lay on the ground as a sign of respect.
  2. Many of Alexander’s existing Greek and Macedonian subjects
    accepted to use this ritual unwillingly.
  3. When Queen Elizabeth II knights citizens, it is expected from
    the would-be-knights to kneel.
  4. In case of a “courtly love”, the knight promised to serve and honor
    their lovers with more fervor than their lords or kings.
  5. Sir Lancelot always knelt before Guinevere when they met in private.


keys/megoldások:  1. T; 2. F, many of them disapproved this ritual, thinking such gestures should be reserved for gods; 3. T; 4. F, with the same fervor; 5. NM



to expect várni/remélni
to sink to leereszkedni
untied kioldott/
csomóra nem kötött
to steel oneself for megacélozni magát
handy alkalmas
presumably feltehetően
roots gyökerek
genuflecting térdhajtás
reverence tisztelet/hódolat
salutations üdvözlések
societal rank társadalmi rang
to be inferior to alsóbbrendűnek
lenni valakinél
to observe megfigyelni
to prostrate upon földre borulni
subjects alattvalók
to disapprove kifogásolni/helyteleníteni
to reserve fenntartani
to acquiesce elfogadni/belenyugodni
deference hódolat
to prove bizonyulni
secular világi
tabernacle szentségtartó
wafers ostyák
commander parancsnok
to dub with lovaggá ütni vmivel
to take on magára venni
significance jelentőség
heyday fénykor/virágkor
bonds kötelékek
christened courtly love elnevezték lovagi szerelemnek
commitment elköteleződés
to pledge megfogadni/
fervor (US) szenvedély
adultery paráznaság
explicit határozott
medieval középkori
to depict ábrázolni
to feature szerepeltetni
to convey (üzenetet) átadni
devotion odaadás/hűség
humility alázat
to embody megtestesíteni/kifejezni
eternity örökkévalóság
to pop the question megkérni vki kezét
to violate megsérteni
conduct viselkedés

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