Miért szeretnek ásni a kutyák? – szókincs, szövegértés

A kutyák imádnak ásni. Ki kicsit jobban, ki kevésbé, de az biztos, hogy mindegyik eb egyik kedvenc elfoglaltsága ez. A következő rövid cikk azt próbálja megfejteni, hogy mi lehet ennek az oka.

Why Do Dogs Like to Bury Things?

If you’ve ever found your dog’s favorite toy nestled between pillows or under a pile of loose dirt in the backyard, then you’ve probably come to understand that dogs like to bury things. Like many of their behaviors, digging is an instinct. But where does that impulse come from?

Cesar’s Way explains that before dogs were domesticated and enjoyed bags of processed dog food set out in a bowl by their helpful human friends, they were responsible for feeding themselves. If they caught a meal, it was important to keep other dogs from running off with it. To help protect their food supply, it was necessary to bury it. Obscuring it under dirt helped keep other dogs off the scent.

This behavior persists even when a dog knows some kibble is on the menu. It may also manifest itself when a dog has more on its plate than it can enjoy at any one time. The ground is a good place to keep something for later.

But food isn’t the only reason a dog will start digging. If they’ve nabbed something of yours, like a television remote, they may be expressing a desire to play.

Some dog breeds are more prone to digging than others. Terriers, dachshunds, beagles, basset hounds, and miniature schnauzers go burrowing more often than others, though pretty much any dog will exhibit the behavior at times. While there’s nothing inherently harmful about it, you should always be sure a dog in your backyard isn’t being exposed to any lawn care products or other chemicals that could prove harmful. You should also probably keep your remote in a safe place, before the dog decides to relocate it for you.

source: Mentalfloss

A cikk elolvasása után válaszolj a következő kérdésekre.

  1. How had dogs protected their food before they were domesticated?
  2. When do dogs also hide their food?
  3. Do other dogs than the mentioned never go burrowing?
  4. What should you take care of in your garden?

1. They had buried their food supply and obscured it under dirt to keep other dogs off the scent.;
2. When they have more food on their plates than they can eat.;
3. No, they also perform this behavior at times.;
4. Your dog should not be exposed to any lawn care products or other chemicals.


to be nestled elhelyezik
a pile of loose dirt egy földkupac
to bury elásni
instinct ösztön
impulse inger
domesticated háziasított
to obscure elfedni/
to persist folytatódni
kibble száraz kutyaeledel
to nab elcsenni/ellopni
television remote TV távirányító
to be prone to hajlamos valamire
dachshunds tacskók
to go burrowing elmenni üreget ásni
to exhibit bemutatni
inherently eredendően/
vele járóan
to be exposed to valaminek ki van téve
to relocate áthelyezni/átköltöztetni

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