Mayim Bialik – szókincs, videó, hallás utáni szövegértéses feladat

A januári magazinunk címlapján Mayim Bialik szerepel. Sokan az Agymenők sorozatból ismerik őt. A következő videóban sok érdekességet árul el magáról.

A videó megnézése után válaszolj a következő kérdésekre. Mivel hosszabb a videó, ezért háromszor nézd meg, és jegyzetelj.

  1. When and where was Mayim Bialik born?
  2. Why were Bette Midler and Barbara Streisand important in Mayim’s childhood?
  3. What is ’water’ in Hebrew?
  4. Is Mayim right-handed?
  5. What is the name of her special diet?
  6. What is Mayim Bialik’s new show and why is it important to her?
  7. What languages does Mayim Bialik speak?
  8. Is Mayim Bialik a real scientist?
  9. What’s Mayim’s marital status?
  10. What musical instruments can Mayim play well?
  11. How many Emmy awards has Mayim won?
  12. When and why did Mayim Bialik join Big Bang?
  13. What did her parents wear for family events?
  14. Who was Mayim Bialik married to?
  15. How many siblings does Mayim have?
  16. How many tattoos does Mayim have?

source: Mayim Bialik Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions , WIRED, Youtube


1.She was born in 1975 in San Diego.
2. Mayim looked like them.
3. Mayim
4. She is mixed-handed but mostly right. (She was born right-handed but eight years ago she had a significant accident and it made her become much more ambidextrous, but she does most sports lefty. )
5. She is vegan.
’Call Me Kat’, she is one of the producers of the show and plays in it.
7. She can speak English, Spanish, Hebrew,
do some sign language and ‘speak’ the language of love. (She can read and write Yiddish.)
8. Although she doesn’t make her living as a scientist, she holds a PHD in neuroscience from UCLA.
She is single, but she is dating someone.
10. She can play the piano, the bass guitar and the trumpet. (She can play the harp as well but she’s not good at it.)
11. None, but she has been nominated 4 or 5 times.
12. She appeared in the season finale of season three because she needed health insurance.
13. They wore matching outfits.
14. She was married to her ex-husband, Michael.
15. She has an elder brother, he is four years older than her.
16. She has two tattoos.


pickles savanyúság
ambidextrous mindkét kezével egyenlően ügyes
religious affiliation vallási hovatartozás
neuroscience idegrendszer tudománya
prominent nose feltűnő/nagy orr
check in with sb tartani a kapcsolatot valakivel
harp hárfa
rudimentarily kezdetlegesen/alap szintem
prom szalagavató/végzősök bálja
to rub sth in ’orra alá dörgölni’/kellemetlen dolgot felhozni beszélgetés során
to consume fogyasztani
economic impact gazdasági hatás
flesh hús (élő)
health implications egészségügyi összefüggések
infant and a toddler csecsemő és járni tanuló kisgyermek
health insurance egészségbiztosítás
audition meghallgatás/próbajáték
to back out kihátrálni
quirky furcsa/különös
outrageous kirívó
plaid kockás
siblings testvérek

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