If you don’t ‘mind’…


'Elmés' szókincsépítő feladatsor a 'mind' szókapcsolataival, szószedettel.

Match the sentences.

1) All he ever thinks about is girls.
2) Thanks for reminding me about the dental appointment.
3) My grandmother has just asked me to take her to a nudist beach.
4) Father finally agreed to give me more pocket money.
5) I know all you want to do after work is come home and relax.

a) I just hope he doesn’t change his mind.
b) But has it crossed your mind that I am just as tired as you?
c) He really has a one-track mind .
d) I knew she had an open mind but this came as a surprise.
e) These things always slip my mind.

Answers: 1) c, 2) e, 3) d, 4) a, 5) b

Choose the right answer.

1) Please ………. that you will need at least half an hour to get to the station.
a) cross your mind
b) keep in mind
c) enter into your mind

2) Do you have any ideas? Nothing ………. right now.

a) flashes into my mind
b) comes to mind
c) brilliant mind

3) He really upset me. I need to go for a walk and ………. .
a) breeze my mind
b) clear my mind
c) release my mind

4) I had a horrible nightmare last night and it keeps ………. all day.
a) flashing into my mind
b) changing my mind
c) opening my mind

5) We all know he was an exceptional person and a ………. .
a) super mind
b) open mind
c) brilliant mind

Answers: 1) b, 2) b, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c

to change one’s mind – meggondolni magát
to cross one’s mind – átfutni az agyadon
one-track mind – csak egyen jár az esze
open mind – nyitott gondolkodású
to slip one’s mind – megfeledkezni valamiről
to keep/bear in mind – észben tartani
to comes to mind – eszébe jutni
to clear one’s mind – kiszellőztetni a fejét
to flash into mind – beugrani (képként, gondolatként)
brilliant mind -brilliáns/csodálatos elme

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