Hot Phrasals


Rövid feladat MELEG phrasal verb-ökkel! 

Use the these hot phrasals to fill in the gaps.

a) brighten up
b) warm up
c) lighten up
d) light up
e) heat up

1) Don’t take everything so seriously. We were just joking. You should ………. a little bit.
2) Don’t be sad, everything’s going to be all right. ………. .
3) He smokes too much. He shouldn’t ………. every five minutes.
4) We must ………. before the match.
5) It’s cold now but this room can ………. quite quickly.

Answers: 1) c, 2) a, 3) d, 4) b, 5) e

to brighten up – felvidulni, felvidítani
to warm up – bemelegíteni
to lighten up – ellazulni
to light up – rágyújtani
to heat up – felmelegedni/melegíteni

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