Házasodjunk! – szókincs, videó, mini feladat

Az esküvői szezon igazán beindult körülöttünk, ezért nem árt megismerkednünk néhány érdekes idiómával, amiket a házasság témakörében használnak. A videóban pedig megnézhetitek Ronan Keating második esküvőjén készített felvételeket és meghallgathatjátok a dalt, ami szerelmükről szól.

10 Marriage idioms:

  1. To get hitched is an informal expression which means to get married.
  2. To take the plunge means to commit to something you’ve been thinking about doing for a long time. Most of the time, this is marriage, but it could be something else as well.
  3. To tie the knot is a common/neutral expression for getting married.
  4. To walk down the aisle is another expression for getting married. In many traditional wedding ceremonies, the bride and groom walk down the centre aisle of a church before taking their vows.
  5. A shotgun wedding is a quickly arranged marriage because the woman is pregnant.
  6. A sham marriage is a fake marriage with the purpose of gaining some legal benefit. It can be said that someone’s marriage is a sham.
  7. A marriage of convenience is when people marry for reasons but this reason is not love (e.g. to gain a financial or political benefit).
  8. A trophy wife is a young, attractive wife of a rich and successful older person and acts as a symbol of the person’s social position. A successful woman can also have a trophy husband. This term is used in a derogatory
  9. Ball and chain is a pejorative term for someone’s wife. This term refers to the heavy ball secured to a prisoner’s leg.
  10. To marry someone off means to find a suitable husband or wife for one’s child so that the family won’t have to provide for that child financially.

source: 30 Marriage and Wedding Idioms, getmorevocab

A következő mondatokat egészítsétek ki az előző idiómák egyikével.

  1. Some of his business partners are accompanied by young …….. …….. at his Christmas party.
  2. Just because your mum was pregnant when we said our vows doesn’t mean that it was a ……. ………… We had already talked about tying the knot anyway.
  3. It’s been about five years since we …. …….., and to be honest, I can say I have no regrets.
  4. If your neighbours should be informed about your ……… ………., you’ll be in big trouble.
  5. Not everybody looks for love. Few people want a ……… … ……. that brings them financial stability and an improved social standing.
  6. His old …… … ….. refuses to go to the party, so I guess they’re staying home.
  7. Did your great grandmother try to …… ….. your grandmother to a wealthy older man?
  8. I think people who decide to marry young are more likely to …… …… …… before the wedding day.
  9. My grandma believes I shouldn’t live with my partner until we’ve ….. …. …….”
  10. Getting married is a serious decision. You shouldn’t …….. …. ……. unless you’re certain this is what you want.

keys/megoldások: 1. trophy wives; 2. shotgun wedding; 3. got hitched; 4. sham marriage; 5. marriage of convenience; 6. ball and chain; 7. marry off; 8. get cold feet; 9. tied the knot; 10. take the plunge


Ronan Keating:

“Forever Ain’t Enough”

I still remember

Locking our fingers

First cold December with you

Our hearts were on fire

Young love desire

Don’t ask me why but I knew


And after all these years

I still catch the old butterflies


Tonight, holdin’ you close under moonlight

Don’t want this moment to pass by

There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do

One life ain’t long enough here by your side

I see a future in your eyes

The second I saw it I knew

Forever ain’t enough with you


Head on my pillow

Tracing your dimples

Life feels so simple with you

Don’t need to rewind

Press pause or stop time

‘Cause it feels like the first time

That you said that you’re mine

It feels like the first time


And tonight, holdin’ you close under moonlight

Don’t want this moment to pass by

There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do

One life ain’t long enough here by your side

I see a future in your eyes

The second I saw it I knew

Forever ain’t enough with you

Forever ain’t enough with you

Forever ain’t enough with you

Forever ain’t enough, forever ain’t enough


Even through times of tears

You’ll never hear a goodbye

‘Cause after all these years

I still catch the old butterflies


Tonight, holdin’ you close under moonlight

Don’t want this moment to pass by

There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do

One life ain’t long enough here by your side

I see a future in your eyes

The second I saw it I knew

Forever ain’t enough with you

Forever ain’t enough with you

Forever ain’t enough with you

Forever ain’t enough, forever ain’t enough

source(video; lyrics): Ronan Keating – Forever Aint Enough, ronankeatingofficial, Youtube; azlyrics



to get hitched (slang!) megházasodni
to take the plunge fejest ugrani valamibe/
rászánni magát valamire
to commit to rászánni magát valamire
to tie the knot házasságot kötni
to walk down the aisle az oltárhoz sétálni/
házasságot kötni
groom vőlegény
aisle padsorok közötti
to take vows fogadalmat tenni
shotgun wedding kényszerházasság
to arrange szervezni/intézni
a sham marriage színlelt házasság
to gain legal benefit jogi előnyöket szerezni
marriage of convenience érdekházasság
to gain a financial benefit pénzügyi előnyt szerezni
trophy wife trófea feleség
derogatory lekicsinylő
ball and chain béklyó
pejorative becsmérlő
to marry someone off férjhez adni valakit
suitable alkalmas/megfelelő
to accompany elkísérni
to regret megbánni
to lock fingers összekulcsolni az ujjakat
desire vágy
to catch the old butterflies ugyanazt érzi, mint amikor
beleszeretett a másikba
to pass by elmúlni/elszalasztani
to trace your dimples kutatni a gödröcskéidet
to rewind visszatekerni

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