Fucsovics Márton a wimbledoni negyeddöntőben! – szókincs, mini feladat

Férfi egyesben utoljára Asbóth Józsefnek sikerült bejutni a wimbledoni negyeddöntőbe 1948-ban, ezért is magyar tenisztörténelmi jelentőségű tettnek számít Fucsovics Márton teljesítménye. Erről a mérkőzésről olvashattok a következő cikkben.

Fucsovics Stuns Rublev To Reach First Grand Slam QF

The Hungarian will next play World No. 1 Djokovic

After Marton Fucsovics lost against Andrey Rublev for the second time this year in Dubai, the Hungarian told his opponent, “I hope I don’t play you anymore this year!” It’s fitting that on Monday, the 29-year-old earned the biggest win of his career against the Russian.

Fucsovics rallied past Rublev 6-3, 4-6, 4-6, 6-0, 6-3 after two hours and 41 minutes to reach the Wimbledon quarter-finals. The unseeded righty is the first Hungarian to make the last eight at The Championships since Jozsef Asboth in 1948.

“From the beginning, I had a very good feeling on the court,” Fucsovics said. “I was serving well. I was moving very well. I hit the ball very well. I hit a lot of winners, so I was very confident.”

But that is not all the history Fucsovics made. In his 17th major main draw, he is into his first quarter-final, and the World No. 48 is the first man from his country to make the last eight at a Slam since Balazs Taroczy at Roland Garros in 1981.

It is poetic justice that the victory came against a player who has tortured him seemingly incessantly over the past nine months. Starting at Roland Garros last year, Rublev won four consecutive matches against Fucsovics. Most of those matches were tighter than their scoreline indicated, but the Russian strung together nine consecutive sets in their rivalry.

“I was not thinking about the previous matches. This one was a different match,” Fucsovics said. “We played on grass. I really like the surface. I think my game fits the surface very well. I think Andrey’s game is not the best on grass, so I just was focusing on the next points. I took my chances. I didn’t give up. Then that was the key.”

That made what Fucsovics did on No. 2 Court at SW19 even more impressive. Rublev took control of the match and appeared primed to reach the Wimbledon quarter-finals for the first time. But the Hungarian never let  his belief slip, and he won nine consecutive games from the start of the third set to turn the match around and surge to a 3-0 lead in the decider.

“In the second and third sets, I had some unlucky service games where Andrey made very good returns, but then I took a toilet break and I calmed down a little bit,” Fucsovics said. “When I stepped on the court again, I was very relaxed. I started to serve unbelievable. Big serves, aces. Then I felt that when I broke him [in the fourth set] that I had a good chance to turn this around.”

Whereas Rublev has typically been the more consistent player in their matches and found ways to control rallies without overplaying, it was Fucsovics who took that role on Manic Monday. The 2018 Geneva champion remained calm throughout, and frequented the net to put pressure on the Russian. The 29-year-old won 81 per cent (22/27) of his net points.

But given these rivals’ history, it was no surprise that the ending was not straightforward. After losing nine straight games, Rublev still managed to get back on serve in the deciding set when his opponent double-faulted. But he could not fully seize the momentum, giving the service break right back with an unforced error on a forehand from the middle of the court. All the 2020 Nitto ATP Finals competitor was able to do was put his left hand on his hip in disbelief.

The fifth seed got another crack at breaking back in the match’s final game, when Fucsovics double-faulted to give him another break point. But after a long, tense rally, the Hungarian crushed a courageous inside-in forehand winner, and he closed out his victory two points later.

Fucsovics will next play World No. 1 Novak Djokovic, who has won their two previous ATP Head2Head meetings. They most recently clashed in Doha two years ago.

source (Article; pictures): ATP Tour; Great HungarICON: Márton Fucsovics, Friends of Hungary, Youtube; Fucsovics Márton, Fucsovics Márton hivatalos szurkolói oldala, Facebook

A következő feladatban keressétek ki a szövegből, melyik tenisz kifejezéseket magyaráztuk el nektek.

  1. not ranked as one of the best players in a tennis tournament
  2. matches following one after another without an interruption
  3. to rebound again (recovered from an unfavourable score and
    beat the opponents)
  4. strokes made by the receiver of a service
  5. following the service of a tennis ball, a series of return hits of the ball that ends
    when one or other player fails to return the ball within the court boundary
    or fails to return a ball that falls within the play area
  6. two serving faults in a row in one point, causing the player serving to lose the point
  7. point which, if won by the receiver, would result in a break of service
  8. Running around the backhand side to hit a forehand down the line

keys/megoldások: 1. unseeded; 2. consecutive matches; 3. rally past; 4. returns; 5. rally; 6. double-faulted; 7. break point; 8. inside-in forehand

source: Glossary of Tennis Terms, Wikipedia



opponent ellenfél
to rally past fordítani a mérkőzést
quarter-finals negyeddöntők
unseeded selejtezőkből érkező, nem kiemelt
righty jobbkezes
court teniszpálya
to hit winners nyerőket ütni
confident magabiztos
main draw főtábla
It is poetic justice költői igazságszolgáltatás
to torture megkínozni
incessantly szüntelenül
consecutive matches against egymást követő
mérkőzések valaki ellen
tighter szorosabb
scoreline indicated pontszám jelezte
to string (strung-strung) together összeszedni/összegyűjteni
sets szettek
rivalry versengés
surface borítás
to fit megfelelni
to take chances kockáztatni
to give up feladni
key (győzelem) kulcsa
impressive lenyűgöző
to take control of megszerezni az irányítást
primed felkészült
never let his belief slip sosem hagyta
elveszíteni a hitét
to turn the match around megfordítani a játékot
to surge nekilódulni/elhúzni
lead vezetés
decider döntő
unlucky service games balszerencsés adogató játékok
returns visszaütések
to serve szerválni
aces ászok
consistent egyenletes
rallies labdamenetek
overplaying túljátszás
to take that role szerepet alakítani
to remain maradni
frequented net gyakran felment a hálóhoz
to put pressure on nyomást gyakorolni valakire
deciding set döntő szett
double-faulted kettős hibát véteni szervánál
to seize the momentum megragadni a pillanatot
service break elveszi a másik adogatását
unforced error ki nem kényszerített hiba
forehand tenyeres
competitor versenyző
in disbelief hitetlenségében
crack törés
breaking back visszabrékel (elveszi az ellenfél adogatójátékát)
break point bréklabda (lehetősége
van elvenni az ellenfél adogatását))
tense rally feszült labdamenet
to crush elnyomni
courageous bátor
inside-in forehand befelé pörgő tenyeres ütés
closed out bebiztosítani
previous előző
to clash összecsapni egymás ellen

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