From START to FINISH idioms


Kifejezések a START és FINISH szavakkal.

1. My father wants to ……………….. a restaurant in Las Vegas.

a) finish up

b) start up


2. If we can’t get the money, we’re ……………….. .

a) finished

b) started


3. You can have dessert after ……………….. your meal.

a) starting up

b) finishing up


4. Mary burned the cake so she had to ……………….. all over again.

a) finish

b) start


5. Are you ……………….. your work?

a) finished with

b) started with


6. This newspaper article is a good ……………….. point for our discussion.

a) starting

b) finishing


7. ……………….. , I don’t like seafood. Secondly, I get seasick. I’m not coming!

a) To start with

b) To finish with


8. We’re almost ready to start. The stage only needs the ……………….. touches.

a) starting

b) finishing


9. Don’t you ever call me again! Everything is ……………….. between us.

a) finished

b) started


10. Joe was in the band from the very ……………….. .

a) start

b) finish


11. Nothing is happening. We need to ……………….. the ball rolling.

a) finish

b) start


12. I am quite surprised that they managed to ……………….. ahead of schedule. They normally send the results at the last minute.

a) start

b) finish


13. I’m sorry your mother and I ……………….. off on the wrong foot. I will apologize.

a) finished

b) started


14. After his divorce George made a fresh ……………….. in Australia.

a) start

b) finish


15. They were not good at sailing and instead of crossing the Balaton they ……………….. up stuck in the reeds.

a) started

b) finished


Answers: 1-b 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-a 7-a 8-b 9-a 10-a 11-b 12-b 13-b 14-a 15-b

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