Egy illatos élmény – szókincs és mini feladat

A Pannonhalmi Főapátság gyógynövénykertje újabb turisztikai látványosságot nyit meg az odalátogatók előtt, ahol minden érdeklődőnek lehetősége van jobban megismerni a Pannonhalmán leggyakrabban használt gyógynövényeket, azok történetét és feldolgozási technológiáját.

A Scented Experience: Fragrance Museum Opens in Pannonhalma

Visitors to Pannonhalma can now learn about a variety of herbs in the newly inaugurated Fragrance Museum. The exhibition provides insight into the herbal culture, and healing traditions of the Benedictine order.

As the website of the Abbey highlights, healing has been a traditional activity of Benedictine monks at Pannonhalma for hundreds of years. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that an exhibition devoted to exploring herbal healing would open at this particular location.

The curator of the new museum, Zsolt Virág, highlighted that this is the first such museum in Hungary, hoping that it will preserve its uniqueness in the whole of Central Europe, too. One of the curiosities that the exhibition draws attention to, he added, is the fact that the world’s first recorded perfume was a Hungarian one, gifted by Charles I to his wife, Elizabeth, in the first half of the 14th century.

Abbot Cirill Hortobágyi T. also welcomed the exhibition, noting that it fits well into the Abbey’s objective, which is to make the order’s knowledge about herbs and healing accessible. In addition to learning about liturgical ways of blessing the herbs, the public can explore processing techniques and healing traditions in an interactive way.

The exhibition revolves around experience, therefore visitors also have the chance to touch and smell the exhibits. Accompanied by wonderful aromas during the whole exhibition, people can smell herbs such as peppermint, sage, thyme, lemon-balm, and lavender, and can test their knowledge at the end of the experience.

source (article; pictures): Hungary Today; Illatmúzeum

A következő feladatban a parfüméria illataival foglalkozunk, melyeknek az Illatmúzeumban  illatoltárokat állítottak, hogy bemutassák ezeket a különleges és jelentős illatokat, történetüket és felhasználásukat.

A feladatotok az, hogy próbáljátok az illatok nevét a megfelelő mondatba tenni. Lesz olyan illat, ami több mondatba is helyet kap.

ambergris – lavender – musk – myrrh – patchouli – rose – rosemary – frankincense

  1. The Queen of Hungary’s Water is water with ……… extract
  2. One of the favourite scents of the Victorian era is …….
  3. Its name derives from the Latin word for washing. It is …….
  4. These scents represent femininity, they are ….. and …..
  5. The scents of animal origin are …. and ……
  6. The sacred oils are …… and …….

keys/megoldások: 1. rosemary; 2. patchouli; 3. lavender; 4. rose, myrrh; 5. ambergris, musk; 6. frankincense, myrrh


to inaugurate felavatni
uniqueness egyediség
herbal növényi/
healing gyógyító
insight bepillantás
Benedictine order Bencés Rend
to highlight kihangsúlyozni
Therefore ezért
to devote vmire szánják
Abbot apát
to note megjegyezni
to fit well into jól beleilleni vmibe
objective cél
accessible elérhető
blessing áldás
to explore megvizsgálni
processing techniques eldolgozási technikák
exhibits kiállítási tárgyak
Accompanied by vmivel kísérve
frankincense tömjén
thyme kakukkfű
lemon-balm citromfű
ambergris ámbra
musk pézsma
myrrh mirha
rosemary rozmaring

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