Mosolyra fakasztó szókincsfejlesztés, szószedettel : )
Try to fill in the gaps with the idioms.
a) crack a smile
b) grinning from ear to ear
c) smiling like a Cheshire cat
d) wipe the smile off her face
e) flash a smile (at someone)
f) laughing stock
g) no laughing matter
h) not know whether to laugh or cry
i) laugh her head off
j) He who laughs last, laughs longest.1) I just saw that new girl ………. at you. I think she finds you handsome.
2) He thinks he has won this battle, but I’ll show him! Just wait and see. ………. .
3) That comedian is the best. She will definitely ………. when she hears him tonight.
4) I know it was funny when she slipped and fell into the pool, but it would have been ……….. if she had hurt herself.
5) I made a total fool of myself to make the little kid laugh, but he didn’t even ………. .
6) When they told me I would have to wait at least another hour until the doctor could see me, I did ………. .
7) I will certainly not wear that huge red hat in public. I would be the ………. of the whole neighborhood.
8) I don’t know he was so satisfied and happy about but he was ………. all day yesterday.
9) Even though he didn’t say anything I know he liked his gift because he was ………. .
10) I think it will ………. when she finds out we’re not taking her to the Bahamas with us.
Answers: 1) e, 2) j, 3) i, 4) g, 5) a, 6) h, 7) f, 8) c, 9) b, 10) d
crack a smile– mosolyra fakadni
grin from ear to ear – fülig ér a szája
smiling like a Cheshire cat – vigyorogni mint egy fakutya
wipe the smile off somebody’s face – letörölni a vigyort valaki arcáról
flash a smile (at someone) – mosolyt villantani valakire
a laughing stock – közröhej tárgya
no laughing matter – nem nevetséges/vicces
not know whether to laugh or cry – nem tudja, hogy sírjon vagy nevessen (kínjában)
laugh one’s head off – szétröhögni magát (az agyát)
He who laughs last, laughs longest.- Az nevet, aki utoljára nevet.