Brit-Amerikai párok: egy szó, több jelentés.
These are some of the words that have different meanings in English and American English. Try to fill in the gaps, using the same word twice with a different meaning.
a) bonnet
b) bum
c) bill
d) buffet
e) carriage
g) deck
h) fall
1) Mike invited us over for drinks on the ………. of his new house.
2) I don’t like ………. because it means school is starting.
3) There’s an old ………. living in our street and I always give him some food or change.
4) I usually don’t like hats but I’m actually thinking of buying this pretty ………. for her baby.
5) We can eat on the train because there’s a ………. at the end.
6) As soon as I stepped on the ship’s ………., I felt seasick.
7) It’s my lucky day today because I found a 50 dollar ………. while I was walking home.
8) You’ll find the food served on the ………. in the dining room.
9) My ………. was stuck so I took my car to the mechanic’s.
10) She didn’t like the skirt I gave her because she said her ………. looked big in it.
11) My baby daughter only falls asleep if I push her around in her ………. .
12) Be careful on that ladder. I don’t want you to ………. .
13) I like to be alone in the ………. when I am travelling by train.
14) I almost fainted when we got the ………. at the new trendy restaurant we went to last night.
bonnet– sapka, főkötő (US), motorháztető (Brit)
bum– hajléktalan (US), fenék, hátsó (Brit)
bill– bankjegy (US), számla (Brit)
buffet– pohárszék, tálaló (US), étkezőkocsi (Brit)
carriage– babakocsi (US), vagon (Brit)
deck– földszinti terasz (US), hajó fedélzet (Brit)
fall– ősz (US), esni (Brit)