Boldog 50. születésnapot, Jared Leto – szókincs, olvasott szövegértéses feladat

Jared Leto december 26-án töltötte be az 50. születésnapját. A decemberi magazinban részletesen is olvashattok a filmjeiről, pályafutásáról és életéről is. Most 5 érdekességet válogattunk össze róla. 

Jared Leto was born on December 26, 1971 in Bossier City, Louisiana. He has been almost ‘anything’ in the entertainment industry, from being a teen heartthrob at the ago of 21 (My So-Called Life), a rock star as lead vocalist in 30 Seconds To Mars, to unforgettable characters in different movies. We cannot deny that he is an artist to his very bones, treating the world like a stage and life like a performance that tends to be difficult to distinguish from what is real.

Jared Leto’s Breakthrough Moment

Jared Leto’s breakthrough moment came on My So-Called Life, the groundbreaking ABC dramedy that serves as a highly influential time capsule of mid-90s teen angst despite lasting one, 19-episode season. Yet, Leto’s role Jordan Catalano might not have been as big had he not made such an impression on creator Winnie Holzman. Jared Leto’s performance bred the quintessential high school crush of ’90s television, perfected with devastating realism from the heartbreak he causes Claire Danes’ protagonist Angela Chase.

Prior To Morbius, Jared Leto’s Vampire Lore

In a 2019 episode of Variety’s The Big Ticket podcast, the actor explains to host Marc Malkin how an early interest in vampire lore influenced his decision to play the titular anti-hero of Morbius, an upcoming film based on a Marvel comic about a biochemist whose attempt to cure his rare blood gives him abilities similar to Bram Stoker’s famous literary figure. Speaking of, Leto recalls admiring Gary Oldman’s lead performance in Francis Ford Coppola’s 1994 Dracula adaptation and reading The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, but admits that he was “too damn old” for Twilight when Stephanie Meyer’s romantic saga hit its peak of popularity.

Jared Leto Has Directed 30 Seconds To Mars Videos Under A Pseudonym

Around the time that 30 Seconds To Mars, the rock band Jared Leto founded with his brother Shannon in 1998, began receiving acclaim for 2005’s “The Kill (Bury Me),” Jared told people the Kubrickian music video was helmed by Bartholomew Cubbins. The Danish albino filmmaker, as would Jared Leto describe him, is credited as the director for several of the band’s videos. However, if you were familiar with the performer’s unique sense of humor and the work of Dr. Seuss, you would know that Batholomew Cubbins is not real, but the pseudonym Leto often uses when he steps behind the camera.

One Of Jared Leto’s Joker Inspirations Was David Bowie

If you look at Jared Leto’s depiction of the Joker in Suicide Squad, you might assume he took inspiration from Iggy Pop, or The Sex Pistols’ Sid Vicious, or anyone else relevant to the punk scene. Yet, an interview with NME revealed that the actor actually looked more toward the glam era, particularly that of David Bowie. Perhaps, in short bursts, I can see some of the late “Space Oddity” singer’s “class, his elegance, [and] his timelessness” in that iteration of Batman’s arch nemesis, especially in the makeup job, per se.

Jared Leto Actually Blinded Himself For Blade Runner 2049

In the sci-fi sequel Blade Runner 2049 Jared Leto played the mid-21st Century’s dominant replicant manufacturer, Niander Wallace, who is unmistakably blind in the film. For authenticity’s sake, Leto actually used sight-depriving contacts during production, which he has said actually enhanced his performance, especially when playing opposite one of his acting heroes, Harrison Ford. Jared claimed to Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that he “probably would have shit” himself if he could have seen his legendary co-star.

Leto goes to extremes when it comes to transforming his appearance for film roles. For his role as John Lennon’s murderer in Chapter 27, Jared gained 67 pounds, which caused him to develop gout. By the end of the shoot, he struggled to even walk onto the set and was forced to use a wheelchair. At the opposite end of the scale, he fasted for up to ten days at a time to appear skeletal for Dallas Buyers Club. He admitted: “It wasn’t an easy thing to do… It changes the way you walk, the way you sit, the way you think.”

sources: 7 Cool Facts About The Morbius Star By Jason Wiese Jared Leto,; 10 Things About… Jared Leto by Susannah Alexander,

A cikk elolvasása után döntsd el, melyik befejezés (A vagy B) egészíti ki a félmondatokat. Lesznek olyan befejezések, ahol mindkettő helyes (AB).


heartthrob szívtipró
to deny tagadni/cáfolni
to tend to be hajalmos valamilyen lenni
to distinguish megkülönböztetni
ground-breaking innovatív/úttörő
dramedy dráma és vígjáték
angst félelem/szorongás
despite valami ellenére
to breed-bred-bred létrehozni valamit
the quintessential high school crush legtipikusabb gimis szerelem
devastating pusztító/elsöprő
protagonist főszereplő
vampire lore vámpír legenda/ismeretek
titular névleges/címzetes
to recall visszaidézni
to admire csodálni
lead performance főszereplés
to admit elismerni/beismerni
to hit its peak of popularity elérni a népszerűségének a csúcsát
to found alapítani
to receive acclaim elismerést kapni
Kubrickian Stanley Kubrick amerikai filmrendező stílusában készülő (a 20. század második felének egyik nagy hatású és innovatív filmkészítője)
to helm irányítani/vezetni
to credit tulajdonítani valakinek
pseudonym álnév
depiction ábrázolás
relevant releváns/ide tartozó
Yet mégis/azonban
to reveal felfedni
to look toward valami felé nézni
glam era glam rock/glitter rock időszak (70-es évek)
in short bursts kis adagokban
iteration hajtogatás/ismételgetés
arch nemesis ősi ellenség
per se önmagában
sight-depriving látástól megfosztó
to enhance javítani/fokozni
to struggle küzdeni
wheelchair kerekesszék/tolószék
scale skála
to fast böjtölni/koplalni
to appear skeletal csontvázszerűnek tűnni

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