Amikor valami nem működik – szókincsfejlesztés


Probléma adódott a háztartási gépekkel? Íme, a segítség! - szókincsfejlesztő feladat. 

1. The lights have gone out in the whole area. It must be a ……………….. .

a) power down
b) power cut 

2. The bathroom is flooded. The washing machine ……………….. .

a) is leaking
b) is trickling

3. George’s car won’t start. It probably has a/an  ……………….. .

a) flat battery
b) empty battery

4. Oh dear, this lamp doesn’t work. We need a new ……………….. .

a) lighting
b) light bulb

5. Make sure you don’t touch this wire. It’s ……………….. and you’ll get an electric shock!

a) awake
b) live

6. My fridge is not working properly. I guess I need to ……………….. it.

a) defrost
b) defreeze

7. I plugged in my hair dryer but it doesn’t work. Looks like it ………………..

a) has broken off
b) has broken down

8. I’ve lost my ……………….. and I can’t use my phone now.

a) charger
b) changer

9. You can’t use the lift. It’s out of ……………….. .

a) electricity
b) order

10. I don’t know what’s wrong with the DVD player. Where is the ……………….. ?

a) instructions booklet
b) inventions booklet

11. I bought this drill yesterday but it doesn’t work. I need to ……………….. it to the shop.

a) reclaim
b) return

12. Give me a hand. The toilet won’t ……………….. .

a) flush
b) flash

13. Oh no! I ……………….. the memory card clean by mistake.

a) wiped
b) scrubbed

14. The touchscreen on Mike’s phone is broken. He needs a ……………….. .

a) replacement
b) change

15. Our car broke down on the motorway so we called a ……………….. .

a) breakdown car
b) tow truck

answers: 1-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-b 8-a 9-b 10-a 11-b 12-a 13-a 14-a 15-b

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