- to deck the halls – kidekorálni a házat
to decorate the whole place to decorate for Christmas,
especially if one will be entertaining guests - to do secret Santa – a ‘kalapból’ kihúzott nevűt megajándékozni
an arrangement in which each person in a group buys a
Christmas present for one other person, without the person
knowing who bought the present: - The more, the merrier! – Minél több, annál jobb!
The more people there are involved in something,
the more fun it will be. - to spread Christmas/Yuletide cheer – megosztani a karácsonyi hangulatot
to be happy giving (love, kindness, help, presents)
or to eat tasty food and drink alcoholic beverages during Christmas - Yuletide (n/adj) – karácsonyi
Christmas, the period around Christmas
Most pedig egészítsétek ki a következő mondatokat az 5 kifejezés egyikével!
1.We want to _____ in the office by placing small Christmas cards on the desks
to invite everybody to the evening Christmas party.
2. I need to buy a _____ gift for my colleague!
3. It is my 30th birthday party so invite your funny friends as well. You know, _____!
4. Look at those lovely _____ greetings!
5. We had better _____ before your parents arrive as your mom is a Christmas fan!
1. spread Christmas cheer; 2. secret Santa;
3. the more, the merrier; 4. Yuletide; 5. deck the halls
Mai karácsonyi ajándékunk: még 5 kifejezés Nektek😊
- Christmassy – karácsonyi hangulatú
typical of Christmas, or happy because it is Christmas - all decked out:– teljes díszben/kicsípve
used to describe someone who has dressed in finery - to be merry (UK) – kicsit becsípett
to be slightly tipsy - It’s a white elephant! – haszontalan, de drága ajándék
something that has cost a lot of money but has no useful purpose - Yule log cake – fatörzs torta
a cylinder-shaped chocolate cake, eaten at Christmas, that is decorated
to look like a log (= a thick piece of wood from a tree)
sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Grammarist.com; How to Talk About Christmas – 26+ Vocabulary & Expressions, RealLife English, Youtube
Most pedig egészítsétek ki a következő mondatokat az 5 kifejezés egyikével!
1.I’ve had two glasses of champagne so I’m a bit _____!
2. If it’s Christmas dinner, I want to eat your _____ !
3. Wow, you’re _____ for the party!
4. We’d feel more _____ if it snowed this year!
5. Your expensive gadget is a _____ for our granny!
She can’t use her old mobile either!
1.merry; 2. yule log cake;
3. all decked out;
4. Christmassy; 5. white elephant
arrangement | egyezség/megállapodás |
without | valami nélkül |
to be involved in | bele van vonva (tevékenységbe) |
alcoholic beverages | alkoholos italok |
to be dressed in finery | pompásan kiöltözni |
to be slightly tipsy | enyhén becsípve lenni |
purpose | cél |
cylinder-shaped | henger alakú |
a log | farönk/fahasáb |