Indian bridegroom dumped over failed maths test


Mennyi 15+6? Nem tudod? Akkor nem megyek hozzád:) 

Indian bridegroom dumped over failed maths test

Ability to commit, maintenance of basic hygiene and to be able to operate a washing machine are some of the things one might consider when choosing a mate.

Whether they can solve mathematical problems is a new kettle of fish entirely.

But it was a deal-breaker for one Indian bride who walked out of her wedding ceremony after her bridegroom-to-be failed to solve a simple sum – according to police in Uttar Pradesh.

The bride asked the groom to add 15 and 6. When he replied 17, she called off the marriage.

Reports say the groom’s family tried to convince the bride to return, but she refused saying the man was illiterate.

Local police said they mediated between the families, and both sides returned all the gifts and jewelry that had been exchanged before the wedding.

Most marriages in India are arranged by the families, and it is common for a bride and groom to get married without spending time in each other’s company. Except for brief meetings, the couple rarely gets to know each other before the nuptials.

A police official of the village where the incident happened told BBC Hindi that local resident Mohar Singh had fixed his daughter Lovely’s wedding to a man called Ram Baran.

“But just before the marriage ceremony Lovely came to know that Ram Baran is illiterate and she refused to marry,” he said.

Mohar Singh said that the “groom’s family had kept us in the dark about his poor education”.

“Even a first grader can answer a simple maths test like this” he said.

Last month, another bride in Uttar Pradesh married a guest at her wedding after her groom-to-be had a seizure and collapsed.

Reports said the groom was epileptic and he had kept the information from the bride and her family. While the groom was rushed to a hospital in Rampur town, the bride asked one of the wedding guests to step in and married him.

Can you match these verbs from the text with their synonyms?

1. to commit

2. to solve

3. to call off

4. to convince

5. to refuse

6. to mediate

7. to arrange

8. to collapse

9. to rush

10. to step in


a. to fall to the ground

b. to say no to something

c. to get involved

d. to cancel

e. to help to end a quarrel

f. to find the solution

g. to make plans and organize

h. to persuade

i. to take in a hurry

j. to be loyal


1. j.

2. f.

3. d.

4. h.

5. b.

6. e.

7. g.

8. a.

9. i.

10. c.


to dump

szakítani valakivel, ejteni valakit

to commit




a new kettle of fish

más tészta


valami, amin bukik egy ügylet, buktató


menyasszony (esküvő napján)


leendő vőlegény



to call off


to convince

meggyőzni, rávenni

to refuse

visszautasítani, megtagadni



to mediate


to arrange

megszervezni, elrendezni


esküvő, menyegző

to keep somebody in the dark about something

eltitkolni valamit valaki elől

first grader

első osztályos gyerek


görcs (roham)

to collapse

összeesni, elájulni



to keep the information from somebody

eltitkolni valaki elől

to rush

sietve szállítani

to step in

helyettesként beállni

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