Gilmore Girls – Lorelai and Luke and the Birthday Mallomars


Egy mókás részlet a Szívek szállodája (eredetileg Gilmore Girls) sorozatból szöveggel, szószedettel és felirattal. 

Gilmore Girls – Lorelai and Luke and the Birthday Mallomars

LORELAI: I’m coming!
LORELAI: Aw! Coming.
LUKE: Your slave is here.
LORELAI: And where’s the French maid outfit I requested?
LUKE: I’ve got it on under the plaid.
LORELAI: So what else is new?
LUKE: So, how does it feel to be a year older?
LORELAI: Uh, I’m not a year older until Friday, Fifi.
LUKE: What the hell is this?
LORELAI: My birthday Mallomars.
LUKE: She says like I should just know this.
LORELAI: Here’s your list.
LUKE: What’s wrong with the garbage disposal?
LORELAI: It’s not disposing.
LUKE: Next.
LORELAI: You’re so good!
LUKE: Did you ever consider the possibility of just pulling the spoon out yourself?
LORELAI: I did consider it, yes. Do you wanna start upstairs or down? ‘Cause there’s actually more to do upstairs this time for some reason.
LUKE: What’d you just do?
LUKE: You put the cookie down.
LUKE: You ate the cookie, and then you took a cookie out of the box and put it where the cookie you just ate was.
LUKE: Well, that’s nuts.
LORELAI: Rory made this for me, I don’t wanna ruin it.
LUKE: Then why’d you eat the cookie?
LORELAI: ‘Cause I wanted a Mallomar.
LUKE: But why didn’t you just eat one out of the box?
LORELAI: ‘Cause this one was right here. The box was all the way in the cupboard.
LUKE: But you had to go to the cupboard to get the box to replace the cookie you ate off the table.
LUKE: Looking at the list now. Okay, stairs…….

Watch the scene once more and complete the gaps in the conversation, please.

LORELAI: I’m coming!
LORELAI: Aw! Coming.
LUKE: Your 1.________ is here.
LORELAI: And where’s the French maid 2. ___________ I requested?
LUKE: I’ve got it on under the plaid.
LORELAI: So what else is new?
LUKE: So, how does it 3. ___________ to be a year older?
LORELAI: Uh, I’m not a year older until Friday, Fifi.
LUKE: What the hell is this?
LORELAI: My birthday Mallomars.
LUKE: She says like I 4. ______________ this.
LORELAI: Here’s your list.
LUKE: What’s wrong with the garbage disposal?
LORELAI: It’s not disposing.
LUKE: Next.
LORELAI: You’re so good!
LUKE: Did you ever consider the 5. ______________ of just pulling the spoon out yourself?
LORELAI: I did consider it, yes. Do you wanna start upstairs or down? ‘Cause there’s actually more to do upstairs this time 6. ________________.
LUKE: What’d you just do?
LUKE: You put the cookie down.
LUKE: You ate the cookie, and then you took a cookie 7. ______________ and put it where the cookie you just ate was.
LUKE: Well, that’s nuts.
LORELAI: Rory made this 8._____________, I don’t wanna ruin it.
LUKE: Then why’d you eat the cookie?
LORELAI: ‘Cause I wanted a Mallomar.
LUKE: But why didn’t you just eat one out of the box?
LORELAI: ‘Cause this one was 9. _____________. The box was all the way in the cupboard.
LUKE: But you had to go to the cupboard to get the box to 10. ____________ the cookie you ate off the table.
LUKE: Looking at the list now. Okay, stairs…….



1.    slave

2.    outfit

3.    feel

4.    should just know

5.    possibility

6.    for some reason

7.    out of the box

8.    for me

9.    right here

10.  replace




French maid outfit

francia szobalány ruci

to request



skót kockás takaró

What the hell is this?

Ez meg mi a fene?

garbage disposal


to consider


That’s nuts

Ez őrültség

to ruin


to replace



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