Szókincs teszt érzelmekkel kapcsolatban. Ismered ezeket a szavakat?
Pick the right answer.
1. I’m quite ……………….. because my friends went out on Saturday and I didn’t get invited.
a) weird
b) upset
c) sincere
2. I can’t stand my co-worker. He is quite ……………….. .
a) amusing
b) irritating
c) terrific
3. The referee made mistake after mistake. The coach was ……………….. .
a) furious
b) sympathetic
c) naughty
4. I wish I had someone to go to the cinema with. I feel so ……………….. .
a) boring
b) excited
c) bored
5. George felt really ……………….. after his friends found out the truth.
a) prejudiced
b) ashamed
c) cowardly
6. I like working with ……………….. people. It’s less stressful to work in a team.
a) grateful
b) realistic
c) enthusiastic
7. I used to rent a room but the landlady was too ……………….. .
a) offensive
b) quarrelsome
c) troublesome
8. I wish you were more ……………….. . We could have finished by now.
a) co-operative
b) attractive
c) tolerant
9. Her parents’ death in an accident made Jill quite ……………….. .
a) depressed
b) impressed
c) depressing
10. I’m always quite ……………….. before big exams.
a) careless
b) serious
c) nervous
11. The ……………….. pilot was awarded a medal.
a) courageous
b) optimistic
c) relieved
12. I won’t take this any longer. I’m completely ……………….. !
a) keen on
b) fed up
c) scary
13. Dave was really ……………….. for days after being fired.
a) misunderstood
b) miserable
c) mistaken
14. I’m so ……………….. for what you did last night. My dog would be dead if you hadn’t taken him in after the accident.
a) boastful
b) adorable
c) thankful
15. I am really ……………….. about your test results. You must have studied hard.
a) pleased
b) enthusiastic
c) confused
Answers: 1-b 2-b 3-a 4-c 5-b 6-c 7-b 8-a 9-a 10-c 11-a 12-b 13-b 14-c 15-a
weird | furcsa, fura |
upset | ideges |
sincere | őszinte |
amusing | lenyűgöző |
irritating | irritáló |
terrific | őrületes |
furious | dühös |
sympathetic | együttérző |
naughty | csintalan, rosszcsont |
boring | unalmas |
excited | izgatott |
bored | unatkozik |
prejudiced | elfogult |
ashamed | szégyelli magát |
cowardly | gyáva |
grateful | hálás |
realistic | gyakorlatias, realista |
enthusiastic | lelkes |
offensive | sértő, bántó |
quarrelsome | veszekedő |
co-operative | együttműködő |
tolerant | toleráns |
depressed | depressziós |
impressed | le van nyűgözve |
depressing | lehangoló |
careless | gondatlan |
serious | komoly |
nervous | ideges, izgatott |
coragous | bátor |
optimistic | optimista |
relieved | megkönnyebbült |
keen on | lelkesül valamiért |
fed up | elege van valamiből |
scary | ijesztő, félelmetes |
misunderstood | félreérteett |
miserable | szerencsétlen |
mistaken | téves, helytelen |
boastful | dicsekvő |
adorable | imádnivaló |
thankful | hálás |
pleased | elégedett |
enthusiastic | lelkes |
confused | összezavarodott |