Trust your intuition. You don’t need to explain or justify your feelings to anyone.
Just trust your inner guidance. It knows best.
source: unknown trust: hinni/megbízni
to believe; to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable
2.intuition: ösztönös megérzés/intuíció
an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts explain: megmagyarázni
to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it justify: indokolni/tisztázni
to give a good reason for sg
5.inner guidance: belső iránymutatás/belső ‘iránytű’
help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems and this piece of advice comes from your inner feelings
Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat az előző szavak egyikével.
1.Please could you ____ why you’re so late.
2.I’ve always looked to my father for ____ in these matters.
3.I can’t explain how I knew – I just had an ____ that you’d been involved in an accident.
4.I can’t really ____ taking another day off work.
5.He’s such a liar – you can’t ____ a word he says.
1.explain; 2. guidance; 3. intuition; 4. justify; 5. trust
to look to sb | segítséget/tanácsot remélni valakitől |
to be involved in | belekeveredni valamibe |
to take a day off work | kivenni egy szabadnapot |
liar | hazudozó/hazug ember |