5 Perc Angol szókincs: Rock Moves

Rock rajongók figyelmébe ajánljuk a következő videós leckét. 10 ikonikus rockzenei mozdulattal foglalkozunk és ki kell találnotok, kik tették ezeket világhírűvé. A videóban ellenőrizhetitek a válaszaitokat.

1.360° guitar spinning – ____

They used their trademark spinning guitars covered in white sheep’s wool, these custom-made guitars and this movement were used first in their video ‘Legs’. This movement made such an impact that they used their 360 degrees twirls in other videos, live on stage and by others in pop culture.

2.snake-dance – ____

Using drugs, sex and dirty rock’n’roll, the frontman brought the band’s music to another level with his swing and crooning.

3.tongue wagging – ____

Amid the band’s loud, anthemic music, eye-catching costumes, he made tongue wagging his signature move. The unusual length of his appendage caught the attention of so many fans that story soon spread that he had a cow’s tongue attached to his own.

4.playing the electric guitar with his teeth – ____

He was an incomparable guitarist who wasn’t afraid to show off his skills.

5.guitar spasms – ____

He jumps around on stage, runs through the crowd and interacts with his bandmates all by playing the guitar. However, his most striking move has got to be guitar spasms where he continues to solo while lying flat on the ground and spinning around in circles.

6.The Rooster strut – ____

The band’s explosive combination of rock and roll wouldn’t be the same without the frontman’s expressive vocals and showmanship. He created his own onstage persona that includes incessant energy, arm and leg movement and the rooster strut. To put it simply, nobody’s got the moves like ….

7.crotch grab – ____

He is well-known for his iconic moonwalk, but this movement is also his iconic one. He said the music compelled him to do the crotch grab. The King of Pop was also known for his anti-gravity lean.

8.windmill strum – ____

Although he made drum and guitar destruction on stage like there’s no tomorrow, his most iconic and copied movement was his windmill strum against his guitar strings.

9.duck walk – ____

By introducing R’n’B and guitar solo to the genre, he laid down the law in rock’n’roll.  He was particularly famous for his duck walk which was a one-legged hop.

10.gyrating hips – ­­­____

Although he had flaunting good looks, a rebellious image, versatile vocals and his rockabilly style, he wouldn’t be the King of Rock’n’Roll without his gyrating hips.

source and video: Top 10 Signature Rock Moves, WatchMojo.com, Youtube


1.ZZ Top; 2. Axel Rose and Guns’n’Roses; 3. Gene Simmons, KISS 4.Jimy Hendrix; 5. Angus Young of AC/DC; 6. Mick Jagger, The Rolling Stones; 7.Michael Jackson; 8. Pete Townshend of The Who; 9. Chuck Berry; Elvis Presley


spinning forgatás/pörgetés
trademark védjegy
to cover beborítani/befedni
wool gyapjú/szőr
custom-made rendelésre-készült
to make impact hatással lenni
twirls pörgetések/forgatások
frontman frontember/vezető énekes
swing hintázás
crooning dúdolva éneklés
amid között
wagging ide-oda mozgatás
signature move rá jellemző mozdulat
appendage testrész
to attach hozzácsatolni/hozzákapcsolni
incomparable egyedülálló
to show off megcsillogtatni
striking feltűnő
spasms görcsök/rángások
Rooster strut kakasszerű peckesen járás
explosive robbanékony
vocals énekhangok
showmanship színészi képesség/látványos előadókészség
onstage persona színpadi én
incessant folyamatos/szakadatlan
to be compelled to do sg készteve lenni valami végzésére
to do crotch grab ágyékhoz nyúlni
destruction pusztítás
like there’s no tomorrow mintha nem lenne holnap
strings (gitár) húrok
genre műfaj
hop ugrás
flaunting good looks kirívóan jó kinézet
rebellious lázadó
versatile vocal sokoldalú énekhang
gyrating hips csípőrángatás

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