5 Perc Angol Magazin: Margot Robbie, a címlapsztárunk

Júliusi magazinunk címlapjáról Margot Robbie mosolyog vissza ránk és sok hasznos információt olvashattok róla a magazin hasábjain. Ebben a cikkünkben pedig egy novemberben megjelenő filmjéről olvashattok és nézhetitek meg az előzetesét.

Amsterdam movie

Margot Robbie, John David Washington, Christian Bale, Chris Rock, Zoe Saldana, Rami Malek and Robert De Niro are among the A-listers starring in the film, which is written and directed by five-time Oscar nominee David O. Russell, who also directed Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle.

Amsterdam follows an original crime story set in the 1930s involving the three close friends — a doctor, a nurse and an attorney — who must prove their innocence about getting caught up in the center of one of the most shocking secret plots in American history. It’s described by 20th Century Studios as “a fascinating and richly intricate tale that brilliantly weaves historical fact with fiction for a timely, cinematic experience.”

The trailer opens with Rock’s character appearing confused at the three friends carrying a “dead white man in a box.” A voiceover from Bale’s character then explains how the three met in Belgium, formed a pact to always be there for one another and ended up in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam is set for release in theaters November 4, 2022.

sources (articles; video): People; Amsterdam, Official Trailer, 20th Century Studios, Youtube

Találd meg a cikkben azokat a szavakat, melyek angol magyarázatát olvashatod a feladatban.

1.a formal agreement between two people or groups of people

2.to show that something is true

3.with many complicated details that make something difficult to understand

4.to form something from several different things or to combine several different things, in a complicated or skilled way

5.an advertisement for a film or a television or radio programme, consisting of short parts taken from it

6.someone who has been nominated for something

7.one of the most famous of all famous people (here actors and actresses)

8.the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts

9.to allow the film to be shown in cinemas, or makes the musical recording available for the public to buy

10.a defence or prosecuting lawyer

11.on a television programme, film, or advertisement, the spoken words of a person that you cannot see

12.unable to think clearly or to understand something


1.pact; 2.to prove; 3. intricate; 4. to weave; 5. trailer 6.nominee; 7. A-lister; 8. fiction; 9. to release; 10. attorney 11.voiceover; 12. confused


A-listers szupersztárok
to star főszerepe(ke)t játszani
nominee jelölt
to set in játszódik
to involve bevonni
attorney ügyvéd, ügyész, védőügyvéd
to prove innocence bizonyítani az ártatlanságot
to get caught up belebonyolódni valamibe
secret plots titkos összeesküvések
to describe leírni
fascinating lenyűgöző
intricate bonyolult
to weave szőni
fiction fikció, kitalált történet
trailer filmelőzetes
to appear confused zavarodottnak tűnni
voiceover hangalámondás
to explain elmagyarázni
pact paktum, megállapodás
to end up végezni valahol
to release megjelentetni
agreement megállapodás
advertisement hirdetés
nominated (valamire) jelölt
to base on alapszik valamin
defence védelmi
prosecuting ügyészi
cakewalk gyerekjáték (valamit megtenni)
to be accused of megvádolva lenni
to stab leszúrni
to flee menekülni
monstrous szörnyű
booze alkoholos ital, pia
addiction függőség

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