Internet and e-mail symbol vocabulary


Jöjjön most egy kis internetes szókincs - természetesen egy kis feladattal. 

Do you know the English names of the symbols we so often use when we talk about e-mails and Internet and webpage addresses?

Let’s learn the most important ones.

@ = at

_ = underscore

. = dot

– = hyphen

* = asterisk

# = hashtag

/ = forward slash

= backslash

(  ) = parentheses

ABC = upper-case (nagybetűk)

abc = lower-case (kisbetűk)

An e-mail like spider-man_ reads:

‘spider hyphen man underscore nine at gmail dot com’

Can you decipher the following e-mail address?


And this webpage address?

And this tag?


And this phone number?

*32# 0036501234567

And this row of letters?


And last but not least can you read your own e-mail address in English?


1. acf dot fca hyphen adn underscore eleven at freemail dot hu

2. www dot facebook dot com forward slash 5percangol

3. hashtag onlineangol

4. asterisk three two hashtag double zero three six five zero one two three four five six seven

5. upper-case ‘a’ lower-case ‘b’ upper-case ‘c’ lower-case ‘d’ lower-case ‘e’ upper-case ‘f’ upper-case ‘g’ 

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