5 szó naponta – Hétköznapi Tárgyak – szókincsbővítés

Mai ötösünkben hétköznapi tárgyak angol elnevezését tanulhatjátok meg.


a small device having two narrow, metal sides joined at one end and open at the other, used to hold or pull a small thing, such as a hair, by pressing the two sides until the open ends come together on the thing to be held

2.clothes peg (UK)/a clothespin (US)ruhacsipesz

a device used for holding clothes onto a clothes line while they dry

a box of matchesdoboz gyufa

a small device for providing a flame for a cigarette;

a match is a short, thin stick made of wood or cardboard and covered with a special chemical at one end that burns when rubbed firmly against a rough surface

4.nail clipperskörömvágócsipesz

you use when your nails are too long and you need to trim your nails or clip your nails

5.twist tie(zacskó, kábel) záróklipsz
bread tiekenyérzacskó záróklipsz
rubber bands/elastic bandsgumiszalag, befőttes gumi

A twist tie is a small piece of wire with paper around it or plastic and it is used for closing or securing something (such as a plastic bag or wires, cables) by twisting the ends together

sources: Free English Class! Topic: Everyday Items, Bob the Canadian, YouTube; Cambridge Dictionary; Collins Dictionary; Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megfelelő opcióval.


device eszköz
narrow keskeny
clothes line ruhaszárító kötél
flame láng
to cover bevonni
chemical vegyi anyag
to rub dörzsölni
rough surface érdes felület
to trim nyírni
to clip nyírni
to secure rögzíteni
to twist csavarni
splinter szálka
wrapping csomagolás
to fasten rögzíteni
to strike a match gyufát gyújtani

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