Benicio Del Toro film quiz – filmkvíz

Márciusi magazinunk címlapján Benicio Del Toro látható. A következő kvízben 10 híres filmről olvashattok összegzést, melyekben fontos szerepet játszott. Filmrajongók előnyben! Kommentben írjátok meg nekünk, melyik a kedvenc filmetek, melyben Benicio szerepel.

Benicio Del Toro was born in Puerto Rico to a family of lawyers, Del Toro thought he too would pursue that type of career and he started college as a business major at the University of California, San Diego. There he found his true passion was in acting, so he left school to pursue it full time.

His first jobs included appearances on “Miami Vice” and other episodic television shows. He appeared in Madonna’s video for her song “La Isla Bonita,” and when he was 21 had a small role in the James Bond film “License to Kill.”

Despite his early success Del Toro struggled with being typecast as thugs and drug dealers. He was able to make the most of those roles and eventually became accepted as a wider variety of characters.

His early success culminated in the year 2000 when he swept all the major awards including the Oscar, SAG, Golden Globe, BAFTA, New York Film Critic’s and National Society of Film Critic’s awards for his role as a dedicated cop in Steven Soderbergh’s “Traffic.” He received a second Oscar nomination three years later when he appeared in “21 Grams.”
sources (article, quiz; picture): GOLDDERBY;

A következő feladatban Benicio 10 híres filmjének összegzését olvashatjátok. A feladatotok az, hogy megadott opciók közül találjátok ki, melyik filmről szól az összegzés.


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