Altogether vs. All Together – mi a különbség?


Altogether vagy all together? Bár nagyon hasonlítanak külsőre, mást jelentenek. Mi a különbség köztük? Leckénkből megtudhatod.

There is often confusion over the terms altogether and all together. Let’s learn how to use them.


Altogether means wholly, to the full extent, with everything considered, all in all, all told or completely. – Azaltogether jelentése: teljesen, teljességében, egészében véve, mindösszesen, együttesen


I left him altogether convinced that the project will end on time. – Teljesen meggyőztem, hogy a projekt időben be fog fejeződni.

Altogether Mark earns more than his cousin. – Összességében Mark többet keres, mint az unokatestvére.

All Together

All together means everyone or everything together. All and together can be separated in the sentences as the examples show. – Az all together jelentése: ők/azok mindnyájan, ők/azok mind együtt, mindenki/minden együtt, ők/azok valamennyien


I want you to sing all together. (I want you all to sing together.) – Azt akarom, hogy mindnyájan együtt énekeljetek.

The soldiers stood all together waiting for the plane. (The soldiers all stood together waiting for the plane.) – A katonák mind együtt álltak és várták a repülőt.  

I would like to see you all together. (I would like to see all of you together.) – Mindnyájatokat együtt szeretnélek látni.

 All Together versus Altogether

The terms all together and altogether can be confusing in English. Once you’ve read through this lesson, you’ll have an altogether better understanding of them.

A tip for usage:

If you can replace the term with something like “completely” or “when all is said and done,” you are altogether better off with altogether.

If you can rewrite the sentence to use all and together separately, the term you want is all together.


All together or altogether? Which one would you use?

1. It’s time to sing. …… now!

2. That was …… too difficult.

3. …… , not a bad day’s work.

4. The last time we were …… was last year.

5. Put the bills …… on the desk.

6. It cost over two thousand dollars …… .


1. All together

2. altogether

3. Altogether

4. all together

5. all together

6. altogether

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