Hallottad már a 'notwithstanding' szót? Tudod is használni? Készítettünk róla egy leckét segítségül.
Have you ever encountered the word notwithstanding? You might think it looks like three separate words stuck together—not, with, and standing. But if you think about the definitions of those three words, the term doesn’t make any sense. What does notwithstanding mean? How can you use it? Today is the time to define and learn the purpose of this handy word. Notwithstanding means despite, nevertheless, or although.
1. Notwithstanding means “despite.”
Let’s look at notwithstanding in a sentence, first as a preposition:
Notwithstanding his nervousness, the young man looked his interviewer directly in the eyes as he answered the questions. – Az idegessége ellenére a fiatalember egyenesen a kérdező szemébe nézett, miközben válaszolt a kérdésekre.
You can also place notwithstanding after its object, so you’ll often see it used like this:
His nervousness notwithstanding, the young man looked his interviewer directly in the eyes as he answered the questions.
2. Notwithstanding can also function as an adverb. Its meaning is close to “nevertheless” or “in spite of this”:
Although he didn’t have a lot of experience, they decided to hire him notwithstanding. – Habár nem volt sok tapasztalata, ennek ellenére úgy döntöttek, hogy alkalmazzák.
3. Finally, notwithstanding can serve as a conjunction. In those cases, notwithstanding means “although,” or “in spite of.” Here’s an example:
Notwithstanding that he wasn’t qualified on paper, the interviewer recommended him for hire based on his great potential. – Habár papíron nem volt meg a megfelelő képzettsége, az állásinterjúztató javasolta, hogy vegyék fel az állásra, mert látott benne fantáziát.
Common Expressions
Notwithstanding often appears in certain expressions:
“Notwithstanding the foregoing” means “in spite of the things previously mentioned or written.” – a korábban említettek ellenére
“Notwithstanding anything to the contrary” is legal language that declares that a clause supersedes anything forthcoming that might contradict it. – minden felmerülő ellentmondás ellenére
Quotes from Literature
‘I know that you’re selfish, selfish beyond words, and I know that you haven’t the nerve of a rabbit, I know you’re a liar and a humbug, I know that you’re utterly contemptible. And the tragic part is’–her face was on a sudden distraught with pain— ‘the tragic part is that notwithstanding I love you with all my heart’.
W. Somerset Maugham,The Painted Veil
‘When I speak of home, I speak of the place where in default of a better—those I love are gathered together; and if that place where a gypsy’s tent, or a barn, I should call it by the same good name notwithstanding.’
Charles Dickens,Nicholas Nickleby
What will you do the next time you see notwithstanding? You might smile because you know its definition. Better yet, you might just use it yourself.
source: grammarly.com
Can you translate these sentences into Hungarian?
1. Notwithstanding the windy weather, they held the birthday party outside.
2. Her grandparents forbade her from going out on Sunday, but she went notwithstanding.
3. Notwithstanding her dislike of crowds, she seemed to enjoy the concert very much.
4. Notwithstanding his difficult childhood, he became a wonderful father.
5. The footballer continued playing, notwithstanding the obvious pain of his injury.
1. A szeles idő ellenére kint rendezték meg a születésnapi partit.
2. A nagyszülei megtiltották neki, hogy elmenjen szórakozni vasárnap, de ennek ellenére elment.
3. Habár nem szereti a tömeget, úgy tűnik, mégis nagyon élvezte a koncertet.
4. Habár nehéz gyerekkora volt, kitűnő apa lett belőle.
5. A focista továbbra is folytatta a játékot, annak ellenére, hogy nyilvánvaló volt, hogy fájdalmas a sérülése.
to encounter |
találkozni valamivel |
preposition |
prepozíció, elöljárószó |
object |
tárgy |
adverb |
határozószó |
conjunction |
kötőszó |
selfish |
önző |
liar |
hazug |
utterly |
teljesen |
contemptible |
megvetendő, hitvány |
veil |
fátyol |
to gather |
összegyűlni |
gypsy |
cigány |
barn |
pajta, csűr |