5 sentences a day – Drew and Keanu – szókincsfejlesztés

Drew Barrymore vendége volt Keanu Reeves és a beszélgetésük egy részlete tartalmaz 5 számunkra is hasznos mondatot. Vizsgáljuk meg őket közösen.
  1. Rebellion is usually a thoughtful gesture.
    thoughtful gesture: caring, considerate gesture – elgondolkodtató/figyelmes gesztus
  2. Even though it (rebellion) feels so impulsive?
    even though: even if – még ha
    impulsive: showing behaviour in which you do things suddenly without any planning
    and without considering the effects they may have – megfontolás nélküli módon ösztönző
  3. I’m not a biter, I’m a barker.
    A barking dog never bites (proverb)- One who regularly makes angry or threatening
    statements rarely acts upon them. – Amelyik kutya ugat, az nem  harap.
  4. If you’re a lover, you’ve got to be a fighter.
    you’ve got to be/ you’ve gotta be: you have to be – kell lenned
  5. Because if you don’t fight for your love, what kind of love do you have?
    to fight for:  harcolni valamiért
    what kind of love: what sort of love/what type of love.. – Milyen szerelmed/szereteted…?

sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Dictionary.com; The Free Dictionary by Farlex

Drew: (…) I’ve had a lot of scenarios where I just barked before I even thought and I have such a rebel
inside of me because the reason I love your reputation so much is, because I want to live my life by that,
like that’s really important to me, is to be a good person, like at my job, with my kids, with my friends
in no such order but there’s a problem I have with rebellion and authority.

Keanu: No, rebellion is good!

Drew: It is?

Keanu: It is, of course! You can’t just kick out rebellion! Rebellion is usually a thoughtful gesture.

Drew: Even though it feels so impulsive?

Keanu: Yeah, but it feels good yeah

Drew: Yes, it does!

Keanu: … and if you’re barking and you know, it just it depends on what you do with your bite.

Drew: I’m not a biter, I’m a barker.

Keanu: Yeah, so you know…

Drew: I’m not a fighter, I’m a lover

Keanu: I don’t know, no because if you’re a lover, you’ve got to be a fighter.

Drew: How so?

Keanu: Because if you don’t fight for your love, what kind of love do you have?

source (short part of the conversation and picture): Keanu Reeves Believes The Matrix Movies Are Also a “Love Story”, The Drew Barrymore Show, Youtube


considerate figyelmes
behaviour viselkedés
suddenly hirtelen
to consider//
figyelembe venni/
fontolóra venni//hírnév
threatening statements fenyegető kijelentések
rarely ritkán
to act upon aszerint cselekedni
to bark ugatni/’fenyegetődzni’
to bite harapni/ténylegesen erőszakosan
vagy agresszíven viselkedni
in no such order nem ilyen sorrendben
rebellion lázadás/ellenállás
authority tekintély/hatalom
to kick out kirugdosni/erőszakkal eltávolítani
to depend on függeni valamitől

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