5 expressions in sports commentary B2 – szókincsbővítés

A sportközvetítések során sok érdekes és hasznos kifejezésbe ‘futhatunk bele’. Nemcsak a sportéletben, hanem a hétköznapokban is használhatjuk őket.

1. nip and tuck – fej-fej melletti küzdelem//ráncfelvarrás/’kozmetikázás’
If a competition is nip and tuck, first one side seems to be winning and then the other, so that the result is not certain
It was nip and tuck as to who would win the playoffs.
A cosmetic surgical procedure in which skin and usually fat are removed and muscle is sometimes tightened to create a slimmer or more youthful appearance.

2. hussle and tussle/hussle and bustle – tusakodás//nyüzsgő élet
energetic action
The team showed a lot of determination and hustle

Busy and frenetic activity or excitement:
We love living among the hustle and bustle of the city.

I avoid the hustle and bustle of malls whenever I can.

3. sneaky trick – ravasz húzás/sunyi trükk
secretive or dishonest

They use sneaky ticks to get advantage.

4. at stake – tétre megy/nem babra megy/nagy a tétje
If something that is valuable is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost

There’s much at stake now in the semi-finals.
Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.

5. to take its toll – megviselni/kárt okozni/áldozatot követelni
to cause harm or suffering

At this stage, pressure takes its toll.
The constant stress takes its toll on emergency room workers.

source: Eurosport skating commentaries; Cambridge Dictionary



playoffs rájátszások
cosmetic surgical procedure szépészeti műtéti eljárás
to remove eltávolítani
appearance megjelenés/külső (kinézet)
to avoid elkerülni valami megtételét
semi-final elődöntő/középdöntő
to get advantage előnyt szerezni
suffering szenvedés
pressure nyomás
constant állandó

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