1.to make up – to invent
to invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive
My dad was always really good at making up stories. –
2.to make up – to prepare
to prepare or arrange something by putting different things together
He asked the man behind the counter to make up a box with a selection of chocolates. – Megkérte a pult mögött álló embert, hogy készítsen egy dobozt válogatott csokoládékkal.
The maid will make up your room later. – A szobalány majd később rendbe teszi/elkészíti a szobáját.
3.to make up – to complete
to make an amount of something complete or correct
(UK) I suspect we were only invited to make up numbers (= to provide enough people). – Gyanítom, hogy csak azért hívtak meg minket, hogy pótoljuk a létszámot (= elegendő embert biztosítsunk).
4.to make up – to replace, to reduce
to reduce or replace something, usually an amount of time or work, that has been lost:
I’ll have to make up the work I missed while I was away. – Be kell majd pótolnom a munkát, amit elmulasztottam, amíg távol voltam.
5.to make up – to become friends again
to forgive someone and become friends again after an argument or disagreement
We argue, but we always make up before long.
specialized meanings:
If you make up a page, book, or newspaper, you arrange the text and pictures in the form in which they will be printed.
If you make up a bed for someone, you put sheets and covers on a bed so that they have a place to sleep in your home.
If you make up a fire, you prepare it or put more wood or coal on it when it is burning. (UK)
to produce or prepare something from cloth:
We could use the rest of the material to make up some curtains. – A maradék anyagot felhasználhatnánk néhány függöny elkészítésére.
sources: Collins Dictionary; Macmillan Dictionary
A következő feladatban válasszátok ki a megadott opciókból, hogy az adott mondatban melyik kifejezést helyettesítenek a ’make up’ igével.
excuse | kifogás, ürügy |
to deceive | megtéveszteni |
to arrange | elintézni |
to complete | kiegészíteni |
to replace | helyettesíteni, pótolni |
to reduce | csökkenteni |
to reduce | csökkenteni |
to forgive | megbocsátani |
argument | érvelés |
disagreement | nézeteltérés |