Passzív szerkezet gyakorlás


Brush up your Passive!

1. Gina ……………….. in Mississipi.

a) brought up
b) was brought up
c) had been brought up

2. I ……………….. by mistake. The police were looking for my flatmate.

a) was arrested
b) was being arrested
c) have been arrested

3. How many people ……………….. to the wedding?

a) invited
b) are invited
c) be invited

4. My room looked different, it ……………….. .

a) has been cleaned
b) was cleaning
c) had been cleaned

5. The murder was committed ……………….. .

a) by a knife
b) with a knife
c) at a knife

6. Tom ……………….. . He’s the new Chief Executive Officer.

a) was being promoting
b) has promoted
c) has been promoted

7. I ……………….. to bring my own bike to the camp.

a) told
b) was said
c) was told

8. It won’t take long. Your car ……………….. at the moment.

a) is washed
b) is being washed
c) is having washed

9. There was an accident in front of our house but nobody ……………….. .

a) got hurt
b) is getting hurt
c) have got hurt

10. Julia ……………….. to the health and safety training next week.

a) will be sent
b) will be sending
c) is being sent

11. Cain ……………….. to be very good at tennis.

a) has been said
b) was saying
c) is said

12. ……………….. yet?

a) Has the garage cleaned
b) Was the garage cleaned
c) Has the garage been cleaned

13. This door ……………….. open during the day.

a) must leave
b) must be left
c) must have left

14. Can you make sure the dog ……………….. every day while we’re away?

a) is fed
b) will feed
c) is being fed

15. Tom turned up at the party without ……………….. .

a) invited
b) having invited
c) being invited

answers: 1-b 2-a 3-b 4-c 5-b 6-c 7-c 8-b 9-a 10-a 11-c 12-c 13-b 14-a 15-c

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