Szív alakú kekszek Valentin-napra


... vagy csak úgy, mert jól néznek ki és finomak:) 

If you don’t like taking too much time baking, these are the cookies for you! It takes only a few minutes to create … and to eat them!


1 cup butter, softened

3 eggs

3 ½ cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 ½ cups powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 teaspoons cream of tartar

½ teaspoon salt


Mix ingredients together until smooth. Chill dough for 1 hour.

Roll out onto lightly floured surface and use a heart shaped cookie cutter to create the shapes.

Bake at 375 °F (190 °C) or 8-10 minutes. Do not over bake!

After they’re cooled you can frost them or dip them into melted chocolate for a more elegant and tasty treat.

You can also sprinkle some granulated white sugar on the top of the cookies. 


baking soda – szódabikarbóna
powdered sugar – porcukor
vanilla extract – vanília kivonat
cream of tartar – tisztított borkő
smooth – sima, egyenletes, csomómentes
to chill – lehűt
dough – nyers tészta
to roll out – kinyújt
lightly floured surface – enyhén belisztezett felület
cookie cutter – sütiforma
to frost – cukormázzal bevon
to dip – bemárt
melted chocolate – olvasztott csokoládé
to sprinkle – megszór
granulated white sugar – fehér kristálycukor

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